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5 Actions We Can Take To Make The World A Better Place

by Sophia Smith: Wherever you look nowadays, it seem that there is another crisis that the world is dealing with, be it a pandemic, the climate change war…


the deteriorating environment and the extinction of countless animals species across the globe. There is no denying that the world is in a dark place right now, and it’s up to us to take a stand in an attempt to turn the tides and create a healthier place to live, love, and thrive for the generations to come.

You might be asking yourself is there is anything you can do to make a change, and while the answer is that humans need to unite to make the world a better place, it still starts with you. It takes one person to show others how rewarding and fulfilling it is to care for Mother Earth, so don’t worry, you have the power to make a positive change.

You just need to be persistent, passionate, and choose to devote your time and effort doing the right things. Let’s take a look at the five actions you can take to make the world a better place.

Educate others as much as you can

To begin your journey towards becoming one of the saviors of Mother Earth and humanity, you need to influence those around you and turn their attention to the things that truly matter. After all, you know that we need to unite in this cause, so instead of expecting others to become more mindful of the current problems all on their own, you should give them a nudge in the positive direction.

Don’t be silent when faced with climate change deniers, don’t be indifferent when someone buys clothes from brands that exploit children – let your voice be heard. It takes a single person to stand for what’s right for at least one more person to change their view of the world, and join your struggle to make the world a better, more righteous place for all.

Support reusing, recycling, and repurposing

To make a positive change and leave a notable impact on your community and beyond, you need to start treating Mother Earth more kindly. To start, you can stop the deterioration of the natural world by contributing to landfill accumulation and spreading as much as possible.

To achieve this, simply stop buying and consuming wasteful materials like plastics and instead opt for truly sustainable brands that use reusable materials for all their packaging. Next, introduce a strict recycling policy in your household. Be sure to repurpose old materials and things around the house instead of throwing them away, or give as much as you can to those in need.

Joining the struggle as a medical professional

One of the most pressing issues that the entire world is facing nowadays is, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic. That said, the world is constantly facing a number of health crises, and it’s not just about the pandemic, it’s also about those silent killers the likes of obesity that lead to chronic heart conditions and numerous other health risks.

This is why aiding the medical profession by becoming an investor or pursuing a career in medicine is one of the best ways to make a positive impact. Healthcare professionals need to continue their training through specialized ACLS and PALS courses online in order to bring better care to their patients, while investors need to support the areas and communities that have been hit by the pandemic the hardest. By supporting those essential workers or becoming one yourself, you can directly impact your community and the world.

Support the local economy

Big corporations have been putting the small brands out of business for decades, and while that is nothing new, that doesn’t make it right. In fact, the big brands are effectively ruining local economies and making it impossible for individuals and small companies to survive.

Not only that, but mass production cuts prices at the expense of quality while ruining the environment. Needless to say, this can negatively affect your health in the long term, as well. Oftentimes, the big brands exploit their workers and are providing minimal wages at best. This is not something we can be silent about, so be sure to support your community by buying your food, clothes, and other essentials from small local businesses and farmers.

Volunteer for a worthy cause

Lastly, instead of binge-watching Netflix in your downtime, you can spend time volunteering for a worthy cause, either in your community or abroad. The world needs more selfless people who are willing to help those in need, or are willing to get to work restoring the natural world around us. Devoting your weekends to a worthy cause is enough to make a notable impact, but if you discover your calling doing good deeds, then there is nothing stopping you from turning it into a career.

Wrapping up

The world needs more good people like you. Now that you know how you can contribute to a brighter future, consider doing your part to make the world a better place.

Sophia-Smith-awakenSophia Smith is a lifestyle blogger, graphic designer and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about eco-friendly and green topics, sustainable fashion, eco beauty, and conscious business. Sophia’s other hobbies centre around her love for yoga, wellness rituals and living in balance with nature. She loves sharing meaningful content that inspires people and has covered topics ranging from organic products and sustainability to self-care and mental health. Sophia has contributed to a number of publications including Eco Warrior Princess, Naughty Nutrition, Herbs Mother Earth Living, Yoga Trade, Sivana Spirit, Bonvita Style, High Style Life, Carousel, and Cause Artist.

You can find out more about her writing by following her on Twitter (@sophia_bri) 


Source: AWAKEN


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