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How To Practice Yoga Daily

by Kimberly L: It can be hard to practice yoga daily when your schedule is so busy…


No matter how hard you try to fit yoga into your day, sometimes it just doesn’t seem possible. We understand how hard it can be, but it really is possible with some of these tips!

Dedicate time in the morning or at night

It’s easy to rush out of bed in the morning, but mornings don’t have to be so stressful. An easy way to practice yoga daily is to start off your day with yoga. A 5 or 10-minute yoga sequence in the morning won’t take too long, and it’ll ease the stress out of your mornings. If the thought of adding another activity in the morning still isn’t appealing to you, try yoga at night. Do a calming yoga sequence before bed to not only get your daily yoga in, but also help you get some better sleep.

Practice yoga at work

Practicing yoga doesn’t necessarily mean you have to lie out your yoga mat and put on your yoga apparel. In fact, you can do yoga while you’re at work and in your work clothes. After all, we spend most of our day at work, so why not practice some yoga poses right at your desk? If you spend just 5-10 minutes a day, you can practice your daily yoga and take a break from your normal workday activities.

Get a yoga app on your phone

What better way to practice yoga daily than to have it accessible to you all the time? Since most people carry their phones with them everywhere, having a yoga app means you can do yoga anywhere. When you find yourself with some spare time, take out your phone and find a quiet place to practice yoga. Yogatailor is a great app that provides personalized yoga videos for you to do whenever and wherever. Try out the app and you could fit in some yoga with the small amount of free time you have.

Take a mid afternoon yoga break

Do you ever get that mid afternoon slump where you just want to take a nap? This happens to the best of us, but conquer the temptation of napping by practicing yoga. Take this afternoon time to practice mindfulness, take a break from your hectic day, and fit yoga into your busy schedule.

Make a schedule

If your schedule includes yoga, then you have no reasons to set your yoga practice aside. If you like to practice yoga at a studio, schedule your classes at the same time of the week so that it becomes a routine. If you do yoga at home, it might be easy for you to find an excuse to do something else instead of yoga. However, even though its home yoga, treat it like an appointment where you can’t be late to or not show up to. Self-motivating yourself may be hard, but once yoga becomes routine, you won’t even have to think twice about it.

Always have your yoga materials ready

It’s easy to not show up to your yoga class if you don’t have your yoga clothes and mat conveniently with you. It’s human nature to not want to do something if it takes extra effort and time. If you leave your yoga materials at home, you’ll be tempted to just not show up to class because of the time it takes you to drive home and grab everything. Solve this problem by keeping your yoga materials in a convenient place, like your car. When you have everything with you, practicing yoga becomes that much easier.

Practice conscious breathing wherever you are

Conscious breathing is an important part of yoga, and it’s easy to do no matter where you are! Instead of going through your day passively, practice conscious breathing and constantly be aware of your surroundings. Whether you’re waiting in line or waiting for your coffee to brew, you can take these opportunities to practice conscious breathing.

Put yourself first

If you really want to do something, you’ll find the time to do it. It’s easy to forget about taking care of yourself when there are so many tasks that need to be accomplished each day. However, think about how important you are, and how important it is for you to deserve time for yourself. No matter how busy your day is, find the time to practice yoga and love yourself.

Source: Yoga Tailor


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