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Leonard Jacobson A Prayer To Awaken Into This Moment

Leonard Jacobson:  Before saying the following words, bring yourself fully present in your breathing body.


Speak the words from Silence into Silence.  When you have finished speaking the words, relax into full and expanded silence and feel the Presence of God within you and all around you.  Relax into the Silence, Presence, Oneness and Is-ness.  God in this moment.  This moment is God.  When you are fully present in the moment of now, you are the Revealer of God and Heaven on Earth.

The Prayer

Beloved God, who exists at the very heart within me.  Beloved God who exists as the silent Presence at the very heart of all things present.

Beloved God, the one true God, I am that I am.

Beloved God, I love you with all my heart.  I love you with all my soul.  I love you with all my body, mind and being.  I offer myself to you in Eternal love and devotion.  I offer myself to you in Eternal gratitude.  I offer myself to you in Eternal service.

Beloved God, All I ask is to deepen into Presence, Love, Truth and Oneness.  Please bring to consciousness anything which is in need of healing and release, so that I may deepen into Presence, Love, Truth and Oneness.

Source: AWAKEN


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