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5 Activities That Increase Your Longevity And Mental Sharpness

by Sophia Smith: These are trying times we live in. The last year was one of the most difficult years in many people’s lives…


Some lost loved ones, others struggled with their own health problems brough on by the pandemic or the inability of their healthcare system to tend to their needs. Yet others have suffered greatly from the anxiety and stress induced by social isolation and the panic that the pandemic created. Whichever group you belong to, you should know that this year doesn’t have to be as harsh.

If you choose to adopt a healthier mindset and adhere to some healthy lifestyle habits this year, you can set yourself up for a longer life and elevated mental health and sharpness. After all, there is another way to rise above the external challenges you are currently facing. Let’s take a look at the five activities and habits you should incorporate now to improve your longevity and mental health.

Spending time in the great outdoors

First and foremost, just because you’ve been told to refrain from social gatherings doesn’t mean that you should lock yourself up indoors. You can still stay safe and keep others safe while enjoying your time in the great outdoors, which research has shown you need plenty of in order to bring balance back to your body, mind, and spirit. There is no denying that nature can be healing and restorative in many ways, but it’s the consistency that will get you to recover from the stress, improve your quality of life, and reach new health goals.

You should use this time to venture out into nature as much as possible. Leave the busy, crammed city streets behind and go experience the neighboring national parks and nature reserves. Take your workouts into the great outdoors and revel in the beauty of your surroundings. Listen to the silence and let it restore balance in your heart and mind.

Meditating on a daily basis

Meditation is one of the healthiest habits you can incorporate into your daily routine, so if you haven’t already, now’s the time to start 2021 in the best way possible. Mindful meditation is the way to heal emotionally and spiritually from all the stress and negativity that has piled up over the years, and especially during the last year. If you are feeling overburdened and like your soul is weighing you down all the time, then the time has come to cleanse yourself from the inside through daily meditation.

Fortunately, you don’t need to take hours out of your day to meditate successfully, as guided meditation takes only around fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen in the evening. Once you learn how to zone out and tune in to your inner being, you can sail away from this plane quickly and immerse yourself in a whole new world. When you’re done, you will emerge back feeling rejuvenated both inside and out.

Eating healthy, plant-based foods

Another daily habit that can transform your life and help you live longer and healthier is to simply choose a more wholesome diet. If you are currently eating more junk food than you should, or if you’re still eating meat and animal byproducts, then perhaps the time has come to adopt a healthier approach to nutrition, and by extension, your whole life.

When choosing your foods, you should stick to plant-based options that are healthy, filled with nutrients, and most importantly, environmentally friendly. Even when you’re supplementing, you should avoid the harmful brands and choose only the best vegan protein powder that is plant-based, cruelty-free, and doesn’t contain any fillers, sugars, or harmful ingredients. Choosing these types of foods and supplements will make all the difference, and will help you feel healthier, stronger, and ensure your mental well-being.

Socializing with the right people

The global pandemic has forced us to stay away from others in an attempt to keep them safe from the virus, but this social isolation has created all new problems that many are finding difficult to deal with. Stress, anxiety, depression, and the utter feeling of loneliness are just some of the consequences of isolating yourself from social interaction.

There yet no telling if you’ll be able to go back to normal in 2021, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t try to be more in touch with your loved ones. Social interaction with the right people in your life is a prerequisite for happiness and mental health, so at least try to organize regular video chats with your family and friends in order to stay mentally healthy throughout the new year.

Exercising your body several times a week

Last but not least, be sure to make 2021 the year when you take your fitness lifestyle to a new level. Now more than ever before, it is important to exercise your body regularly in order to boost the production of happiness hormones, stay lean and toned, and just feel good about yourself. Add to that, regular exercise will boost your longevity and positively impact your mental health, so all the more reason to exercise at home and in the great outdoors.

Wrapping up

In the new year, you want to make sure that you’re able to preserve and improve your mental and physical health. Embrace these lifestyle changes and you will have an easier time boosting your overall well-being and longevity.


Sophia-Smith-awakenSophia Smith is a lifestyle blogger, graphic designer and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about eco-friendly and green topics, sustainable fashion, eco beauty, and conscious business. Sophia’s other hobbies centre around her love for yoga, wellness rituals and living in balance with nature. She loves sharing meaningful content that inspires people and has covered topics ranging from organic products and sustainability to self-care and mental health. Sophia has contributed to a number of publications including Eco Warrior Princess, Naughty Nutrition, Herbs Mother Earth Living, Yoga Trade, Sivana Spirit, Bonvita Style, High Style Life, Carousel, and Cause Artist.

You can find out more about her writing by following her on Twitter (@sophia_bri) 


Source: AWAKEN


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