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10 Ways to Strengthen Your Manifestation Muscles From Your Yoga Mat

In yoga, it’s easy to see how bending, stretching, balancing, and letting go make sense physically.


What may be more tricky is making the connection to how those exact same things are key to manifesting your dreams – whatever you desire deep down in your soul – into your everyday life.

Enter this article.

Here, we will explore 10 ways that you can practice spiritual manifestation on your yoga mat, using your actual body to embody your true essence as a limitless, infinite creator.

When You Manifest Your Dreams and Practice Yoga, the Same Thing Happens

Have you ever found yourself hitting a new yoga pose that you couldn’t do before, and the moment you can’t believe you’re actually doing it, you fall right out of it?

The same thing happens when you manifest your dreams.

Spiritual manifestation is the art of physically materializing your internal beliefs. Whether you believe you are strong enough (or not), skilled enough (or not), or worthy enough (or not), these internal thoughts will reflect in your external reality.

In other words, whether you believe you can do a Headstand or become a CEO (or not), you will be right!

Or, have you ever tried to perform a yoga pose without first stretching and warming up? You probably felt stiff, rigid, and uncomfortable, right? You probably weren’t happy with the end result because you limited yourself from achieving the pose’s full potential.

The same thing happens when you manifest your dreams.

Spiritual manifestation is a skill. It takes practice. If you don’t stretch your manifestation muscles, then you might subconsciously be attracting people, situations, and things into your life that don’t align to your truest potential, and that will feel very uncomfortable too!

Whether you believe you can do a Headstand or become a CEO (or not), you will be right!

Lastly, have you ever tried to do a pose and instantly thought, “Nope, not today?” Maybe you needed to modify the pose to meet you where you were emotionally and physically in that moment on your mat.

Whether you knew it or not, you were practicing acceptance. *High Five.*

The same thing happens when you manifest your dreams.

It doesn’t like to be forced or manipulated, it just likes to be acknowledged and appreciated in the present moment. The more you let go of expectations, stop trying to control the outcome, and honor that everything is okay as it already is, the more you make space to truly fold into what you really want to unfold, physically and spiritually.

Spiritual manifestation is about unblocking resistance to universal support when life isn’t how you want it to be quite yet, just like a yoga block is a tool to feel supported when you aren’t where you want to be on your mat quite yet.

Manifest Your Dreams From Your Mat – Here Are 10 Ways to Practice Spiritual Manifestation:

Yoga and spiritual manifestation have so much in common. The more you bend your belief systems, the more you stretch your mind to conquer limiting beliefs.

The more you lift yourself up or turn yourself upside down for new perspectives, then the more you will be in jaw-dropping awe of all the different positions you will land yourself in – both on and off the mat.

The more you bend your belief systems, the more you stretch your mind to conquer limiting beliefs.

Here are 10 ways to practice manifesting the perfect posture and also the perfect boyfriend, career, dollar amount, or insert whatever your heart desires here, because it truly is possible to manifest your dreams.

1. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

We briefly touched on this earlier, but it’s really important to reiterate. Yoga can be uncomfortable.

Your leg might not go that far back, your bones might be cracking, your thighs might be shaking or burning (or both at the same time!), and your heart might feel like it’s trying to make an escape out of the nearest orifice of your body.

You might feel like you aren’t doing it right, or like only pretzels should look like that, or like giving up because progress seems so far away.

The discomfort in spiritual manifestation is about stretching your mental limits.

The discomfort in yoga is about stretching your body’s physical limits. The discomfort in spiritual manifestation is about stretching your mental limits. The point is that both are uncomfortable.

One example of using yoga to stretch your physical limits is if your Half Moon Pose just looks like a full moon to the person standing behind you since both your feet are on the ground with your booty in the air.

In this case, you might practice lifting one of your legs every few seconds rather than keeping it elevated the whole time. At the same time, in order to get to the point of doing the pose correctly, you may need to also practice stretching your mental limits.

2. Quiet Your Inner Critic

You may need to tell the voice inside your head to shut up. It might be saying “You’re too short to do this, it is impossible for you to do this, and you look silly.”

At first, telling yourself to shut up internally is uncomfortable, because you may actually believe what that voice is saying. For the last five classes, it may have been right.

You will realize that change is possible, especially with the right ingredients of action and belief.

But in that eighth (or 108th) class when your leg is in the air, and you are doing Half Moon Pose in all its glory, you will have an “aha” moment.

You will realize that discomfort doesn’t last forever. You will realize that change is possible, especially with the right ingredients of action and belief.

3. Accept the Soreness

Also, think about spiritual manifestation like that uncomfortable soreness you might get after a yoga class when trying these new poses.

You exercised muscles that are a part of your body already, they have always been there and they have always existed, but now you’re using them and stretching them in different ways.

It’s going to hurt a little before it feels good or natural. The same applies when you manifest your dreams.

It can be uncomfortable uncovering that the reality you are wishing to move away from was also created by you.

You’ve always held the power to create reality, but it can be uncomfortable uncovering that the reality you are wishing to move away from – like not being able to do Half Moon Pose initially – was also created by you.

This is because there may be feelings that you have been burying deep down inside, that have always been there, albeit hidden by distractions like work or social media or Netflix and chilling.

To manifest your dreams, you have to discover those feelings, navigate through what’s been holding you back, and show up for yourself in a whole new way that you aren’t used to yet.

4. Remember That Pleasure Follows Pain

It’s important to remember, however, that after pain there is pleasure. For example, childbirth can be excruciating, but it ushers in a new, beautiful life. Same with spiritual manifestation.

The more you are willing to push through the discomfort, take deep breaths, and honor the process of bringing something that lives within you to the world outside of you, then you too will create a life that you thought was only possible in your wildest dreams.

You will not only be able to do Half Moon Pose, but you will be thanking your lucky stars and the actual moon for your re-birth into this new improved version of you!

5. Put in the Work

Do you know that girl in class who could be a Yoga Goddess mascot? Like she just stepped out of a yoga magazine, which only exacerbates you feeling like you stepped out of a yoga bloopers video reel (or is that just me?).

The girl whose form is impeccable and her feet are so rooted into the ground that a tornado couldn’t shake her? The girl who is so flexible and bendy that you secretly nicknamed her Gumby?

Well, you may be the one getting it twisted, which could be why you’re green with envy.

She didn’t just want to be able to do certain poses. She didn’t just wake up one day and could do that pose. She didn’t just ask the universe to help her do the pose flawlessly and then sit on the couch every day until it happened.

We all have to start somewhere, and that starting line is different for everybody.

It’s because she practiced. She took action to be in alignment until eventually, she just was aligned.

We might want to do a Handstand but realistically, we might be at a point in our life where we can’t even walk and chew gum at the same time.

We all have to start somewhere, and that starting line – whether on the mat or in our life – is different for every body and everybody.

6. Act in Alignment

Acting in alignment is a powerful spiritual manifestation technique that will help us achieve the goals we desire from wherever we are in our own process.

To be effective, it requires intention, conscious effort, belief in ourselves, and practice. Energy likes direction and momentum!

7. Ask Questions

Below are some examples of acting in alignment when trying to manifest a new career as a yoga instructor but can be applied to anything you are trying to manifest in your life.

Start asking yourself questions and then start answering them through action.

What would a yoga instructor wear to class? Time to find your yoga pants even if you are wearing them to the grocery store!

What snack would he/she eat that day? Time to eat something that will fuel your body too!

How many glasses of water would he/she drink? Time to drink more than that number x two!

What does a yoga instructor read or listen to? Time to download whatever app you can hear the same conversations on!

8. Role Play

Start teaching your friends, nieces or nephews, classmates, or workmates easy poses – a stretch here, a Child’s Pose there.

Maybe stand in front of a mirror and practice what you would tell your future class. Go to an actual yoga studio to feel the energy in that environment as you play with each move.

Maybe repeat what the instructor is saying to the class inside your head – just so you don’t seem like a complete weirdo or get kicked out for disturbing the peace!

9. Speak It Into Existence

Start practicing affirmations like “I am capable of achieving my goals. I am worthy to receive what I desire. I am learning all the skills needed for my vision.”

Witness what it feels like to say “I am a yoga instructor” as you look into your own eyes in your reflection in a mirror. Start incorporating yoga terms and phrases into your daily conversations.

10. Give It a Rest

In yoga, you spend about one hour or more twisting, sweating, performing, trying, doing, posing, stretching, balancing, and practicing. You spend time holding yourself up, finding your inner and outer strength, and reaching for what you want.

There is a time to lean into a pose, and a time to come out of the pose. Yoga is a balance; understanding when to exert energy and when to release. You learn to flow between faith and will, doing and being, work and rest.

This is why, in a yoga practice, Savasana (Corpse Pose) is so important. This is typically done at the end of a practice.

You learn to flow between faith and will, doing and being, work and rest.

It is where you are lying on your back on your mat with your face up, being fully supported by the surface under you with the goal of entering full relaxation. Oddly enough, this pose, where you are literally expected to do nothing except let go, is the hardest for most people.

Same for spiritual manifestation. When you manifest your dreams, resting is equivalent to believing and letting go is equivalent to being present here and now.

It is a delicate balance of desiring something with all the feels, envisioning it, trusting, taking inspired action to attain it but then also knowing when to detach from expectations on when, where, and how you will get it.

You don’t need to hold on so tightly to your vision – you can set it free because you believe in your heart of hearts it’s already yours and that you are worthy of it.

When you manifest your dreams, resting is equivalent to believing and letting go is equivalent to being present here and now.

You don’t need to cling to the exact means to attain what you want because you believe that whatever the universe brings your way will be better than what you could have imagined.

You don’t need to be impatient and try to force anything because you believe that divine timing is on your side and you will receive what you want when you are ready.

When you are in Savasana, your heart is opened up to the sky, your back is supported by the ground, and your only job is to relax, breathe, and rest. Much like that pose, with spiritual manifestation, you can rest easy when your heart remains open to believing that the universe will always support you and have your back too!

The Takeaway on Spiritual Manifestation: Stay Flexible as You Manifest Your Dreams

The most important common denominator, arguably, of your yoga practice and spiritual manifestation is flexibility; owning your ability to change your life for the better.

Flexibility, beyond backbends, means bending reality. Flexibility beyond Cobra Pose means shedding your old skin and transforming into a healthier version of yourself.

Flexibility is the ability to move through life the way you do your yoga practice – flowing, adapting, and shapeshifting. Flexibility is not just about opening up your hips; it’s about opening up your heart, your soul, and your infinite possibilities both on and off your mat!


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