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New Year “Purpose Challenge” – Peter Diamandis

by Peter DiamandisDo you have a compelling purpose in your life, something that wakes you up every morning and energizes you throughout the day?

Purpose-awakenThis blog is a challenge to encourage you to start your year with an exercise I give to all the companies and entrepreneurs that I coach. It’s called a Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP).

An MTP is the closest thing to a superpower that you can have.

Your Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) is a clear statement that guides, empowers, and inspires you. It helps you decide what to do, and more importantly, what not to do. It’s both your fuel and your filter.

Here’s my MTP: “To Inspire and Guide Entrepreneurs to Create a Hopeful, Compelling, and Abundant Future for Humanity.”

Everything I have created and will create is born out of my MTP.

Here is how I use it:

  1. I repeat it (many times aloud) each morning to reinforce it in my mind. It reminds me about why I am here, and my highest calling in life. (Fuel)
  2. It helps me make decisions on how I use my time. If something doesn’t align with my MTP, I don’t do it. (Filter)
  3. As I share my MTP everywhere, it helps everyone understand what drives me, and how they can support me on my mission. (Fuel)

People who have an MTP and share it with the world have a greater chance of creating a hopeful, compelling, and abundant future for humanity. I’d encourage you to create one.

I’ve seen this process drastically change people’s lives over and over again. Here’s what generally happens to those who find and adopt an MTP:

  1. They allow themselves to dream bigger and fuel their dreams and Moonshots.
  2. They become a magnet for attracting the best people in their lives.
  3. More people come to their assistance.
  4. Their impact is magnified because of their focus.

In line with my MTP, I created a 10-day process (it’s free to all) that takes 10 minutes per day to help you build your MTP and support you in making the items I listed above happen in your life.

This is a very powerful way to start your year as an entrepreneur, creator, writer, or anyone looking to increase their impact.

I’m encouraging all the companies and entrepreneurs I coach to start their year by building a Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) and I hope you consider doing the same.

Follow the link below to get started. This exercise only takes 10 minutes per day for the next 10 days… That’s 100 minutes. Make the time, I promise it’s worth it.


Start Building My Massive Transformative Purpose

P.S. I’ve learned that your probability of success is MUCH higher if you go through this program alongside your friends. I suggest you choose 3 colleagues and invite them to join you over these next 10 days, developing their MTPs and comparing notes with you along the way.

You can also use the hashtag #mymtp to find others building their MTP.

Source: AWAKEN


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