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Become Unshakeable Challenge Free Event- Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins, is back with a brand new challenge for 2023 as he promises to help participants “thrive” in the new year. represents many teachers we feel will help us all Awaken. Personally, Tony Robbins is one of my primary teachers. I have studied and worked with him for over three decades. I highly recommend his very effective and life transforming programs. Awaken is honored to promote and endorse his Become Unshakable Challenge Free event. David Welch, founder and chief editor of

Now more than 40 years deep into his career, Robbins has established himself as one of the most prominent figures in the life coaching industry.

As per his official website, Robbins claims his coaching and training systems will help participants to “close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.”

His latest venture, the Become Unshakable Challenge, is a five-day course happening this month, January 2023, and we’ve explored what the challenge will contain, as well as the price of the package.

The Become Unshakeable Challenge is a 5-day training course led by Robbins, remotely, who says he will endeavor to arm attendees with the skills needed to “thrive” throughout 2023 and beyond.

Each day there will be an event held, beginning at 11am PT, or 2pm ET, led by Robbins, that you can expect to go on for at least 90 minutes, though Robbins warns that he does “tend to go on a little longer”.

Robbins is yet to fully reveal how each event will look, though those signed up can expect speeches, talks and training activities from him and other motivational speakers that will aim to help attendees develop new skills designed to help them navigate through the modern world.

The Become Unshakeable website claims that to be unshakeable means being able to live life “on your terms”, regardless of external factors like the economy or pressure from peers or family.

While there is a paid VIP option available, the 2023 Become Unshakeable Challenge is actually free.

The challenge will be the fourth free package to be offered by Robbins, who has said he is offering the course free of cost in order to “help as many people as possible get un-stuck and unleash their power to thrive in 2023.”

There is also a VIP Unshakeable Challenge for those who wish to gain additional access to Robbins’ content beyond the standard free version.

Priced at $47, the Gold Card VIP Experience entitles buyers to lifetime access to the training sessions in the challenge, as well as an “exclusive Zoom background”, among other extras.

Those who register for free will be presented with additional information about the VIP option.Tony Robbins Ad-awakenThe Become Unshakeable Challenge roadmap

In order to provide an overview of the course contents, Robbins has outlined a roadmap for those signed up for the Unshakeable Challenge.

According to the plan, titled Your Roadmap To Become Unshakeable, day one will see Robbins look to help attendees “Create A New Vision” for what their 2023 will look like.

Day two will focus on becoming “The Person You Were Made To Be” and the third day of the course will aim to provide viewers with the tools to become financially stable amid global economic turmoil.

Finally, the last two days of the course will focus on creating strong personal relationships, with the final day set to be an integration of the previous four days.

When does the 2023 Become Unshakeable Challenge take place?

The Become Unshakable Challenge will begin on Tuesday, January 24, 2022 and will conclude on Saturday, January 28.

As previously mentioned, each event will begin at 11am PT, or 2pm ET in the United States, meaning those who are attending outside of the US should check these timings in comparison to their local timezone.

Each day will see new prizes up for grabs too, with Robbins merchandise, event tickets and a 5-day holiday all up for grabs for Unshakeable attendees.

For the full details and terms and conditions, please check the official Become UnshakEable 2023 Challenge website here.

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Source: AWAKEN


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