Articles for: Presence

by Daisaku Ikeda: A lecture delivered at the East-West Center, Hawaii, USA, January 26, 1995


By Daisaku Ikeda: Delivered at Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi, October 21, 1997


The Best of Connecting Point:Dan Millman (born February 22, 1946) is a former Trampolining world champion...

by Eckhart Tolle:  There’s a particular dimension where creativity arises.


by Leonard Jacobson: Awakening is simple.


by Daisaku Ikeda: This lecture was given by Mr. Ikeda at the National Museum in New Delhi...

1. The Altruist:Karen Armstrong


Thich Nhat Hanh talks about being present.


Leonard Jacobson:  It is important to know that there are levels of Presence.


Question: In your introduction on the web site, you talk about “a total absence of judgment”...

by Donna Quesada: Consciousness Blooming—


By Steve Taylor PhD: The Transformational Effect of Letting Go of Resentment…


By Jack Kornfield: Spiritual Awakening is found in the here and now. 


by Guru Singh:  When you recognize the main purpose of life is to simply experience...

Gangaji:  Whether you are searching for peace and happiness in a relationship, in a better...

When I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and...

by Leonard Jacobson: We have been given free will, which simply means that we have...

by Leonard Jacobson: When you become fully present, thoughts stop and your mind is silent…


by Adyashanti:  In essence the entire spiritual endeavor is a very simple thing: Spirituality is...

by Leonard Jacobson: The most important key to awakening is to learn the art of...

by Jill V. Mangino: As a world-renowned spiritual teacher, what Are you the most proud...

by Leonard Jacobson: In the present moment, there is no death. Then where is death?


By Ananda Giri:  In the summer of 2006, I had visited Stockholm, Sweden for a...

by Leonard Jacobson: When you become fully present, thoughts stop and your mind is silent.
