Category: Mind Videos

Virginia Satir says change begins with learning to accept and understand the many parts of...

by Myra Goodman: Nourishing the back-body chakras is like leaning back into a waterfall of grace…


by Eckhart Tolle: Discover the importance of forgiveness in the karmic wheel in this video...

Donna Quesada: Well, Jill, it’s just wonderful to meet you. I’m so thrilled and excited...

by Tara Brach: When stressed, we often react with looping fear-thoughts, feelings and behaviors that...

Many years ago before becoming a Buddhist monk in Thailand, I had the opportunity to...

Is the mind a miracle or a mess? Sadhguru speaks about gnana yoga, the path...

by Klaus Obermeyer is a living legend. At 101-years-old he is a man who has...

A photographic depiction of visionary, French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955).


Professor Thomas Glick (University of Boston) gave a lecture on Teilhard de Chardin, presenting his...

Rupert Spira explores the perennial, non-dual understanding that lies at the heart of all the...

Rubert Spira… Exploring ‘matter’…


Rupert Spira: In the inmost core, the Heart Shines as Brahman alone, As `I-I’, the...

don Miguel Ruiz was born into a humble family with ancient traditions in rural Mexico, the...

by Sharon Salzberg: When the Buddha introduced the idea of intention 2,500 years ago, the...

Historian Jessica Grogan tells the life and influence of Abraham Maslow in Humanistic psychology.


A brief biography of the life and work of American psychologist Abraham Maslow best known...

by Philip Chrysopoulos: Stoicism, one of the philosophical movements of the Hellenistic period, was founded...

Join Dr. Hawkins as he discusses how to handle a crisis…


by Anthony (Tony) Robbins:  One of my most influential mentors, teachers, and dear friends is Mr. Ken...

Your subconscious brain can change your life…


by Arjun Walia: Dream telepathy suggests that human beings have the ability to communicate telepathically with another...

by Rupert Sheldrake: Dogs Who Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home.


Watch Dr. Bruce Lipton’s interview…
