Articles for: Yoga Feature

by Kalyani Hauswirth-Jain: Eka Pada (Raja) Kapotasana, or Pigeon Pose, is probably one of the most misunderstood...

by Morgan Garza: Our chakras are always in flux, moving between being active or closed, strong...

by Derek Robert Delahunt: Yoga came as a gift and brought with it an unexpected transformation…


by Hannah Aylward: Stand up straight! We’ve all been on the receiving end of that...

by Tonya Wetzel: Sun Salutations are a wonderful way to warm your body up, set your breathwork for...

Sadhguru responds to a question on what makes Shambhavi Mahamudra unique, among the many meditation...

by Claire Grieve: Yoga is so much more than solely a means of rest and...

by Morgan Garza: Take this quick Chakra Quiz to find out…


A seeker asks Sadhguru what a Siddhi is. Sadhguru discusses siddhis, the abilities one might...

Yogi Bhajan said that “the purpose of Kundalini yoga is transformation.”


by Himanshu Joshi: Detach yourself from the chaos of life…


by Leah Wood: Our best days always seem to coincide with our best moods…


by Dr. Natasa Brasik: Some things are easier said than done, especially if your fitness routine falls...

Part One…


When we hear the word yoga, we tend to think of asanas: tree pose, sun salutations,...

by Manmohan Singh: The debate about whether yoga is a science or an art has been...

If you’ve never taken a single yoga class, hitting the mat for the first time...

by Carolyn Gregoire: In 1971, Sat Jivan Singh Khalsa moved to New York to open a...