Articles for: YOGA

Yogi Bhajan: “When you practice one breath a minute, then you become Pavan Guru—you become the...

Today I reconvene with Guru Singh — a celebrated third-generation Sikh yogi, master spiritual teacher,...

Sadhguru, a beloved friend of Tony and Sage Robbins, sits down to discuss identity, consciousness,...

by Sarah Platt-Finger: The Law of Intention and Desire says that inherent in every intention and...

Sat Nam Pieter and All…


Guru Singh Yogi: You’re neither the breather, nor the breath.


by Karen Asp: Stretching might seem like a no-brainer activity, but there are some subtle...

by Guru Singh: A master spiritual teacher, author, and musician…


by M Rajaque Rahman: The success lies in the ability to convey the essence without...

by Hittendra Wahdwa: The story of the spiritual teacher who was a silent force in...

by Leah Sugerman: When it comes to core strength, there are many ways that you...

by Myra Goodman: Nourishing the back-body chakras is like leaning back into a waterfall of grace…


Sadhguru defines consciousness and busts some common myths about a much misunderstood topic. Explaining that...

Some yoga poses seem simple and passive at first sight. Yet getting them right is...

by Gabby Bernstein: I have such a gorgeous meditation practice for you today. This is...

by Rebecca James: Almost everyone goes to the gym or has an exercise regimen these...

Is the mind a miracle or a mess? Sadhguru speaks about gnana yoga, the path...

by Yogi Bhajan: What is a spiritual teacher?


by Yogi Bhajan: This meditation uses the power of the breath to enhance the depth of...

by Julie Peters: Try doing this sequence daily, mixing yoga and pilates—especially during pregnancy. You...

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:  God is never an object of isolation but the very core of...

by Sarah Platt-Finger: The Law of Least Effort says that we can most easily fulfill our...

by Sarah Platt-Finger: The Law of Karma, or Cause and Effect, says that every action generates...

by William Kremer: For many people, the main concern in a yoga class is whether...