Reflections on Shunryu Suzuki’s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Shunryu Suzuki-awaken

by Ken Russell: Certain books are so outstanding that I find it hard to even begin to approach them. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind is one of them. This is truly a gem, the only book by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, a contemporary Zen master, that was published before he died in 1971.

The Stubborn Gladness of Elizabeth Gilbert

The Stubborn Gladness of Elizabeth Gilbert

by Karen Bouris:  Before Eat, Pray, Love was a movie and a travel tour, it was a memoir by the award-winning writer Elizabeth Gilbert, whose story of losing and finding herself resonates with just about every woman who looks in the mirror.

Tai Chi Breathing


by Dr. Paul Lam:  “What about the breathing?” Numerous students have asked me this question. Some teachers believe that breathing patterns should be very specific.

Gates Of Sweet Nectar

by Krishna Das: In the late 90’s as I traveled around chanting, these very fierce looking shaven-headed beings would approach me after the chanting was over and with great seriousness would say, “Bernie sent me…”

The Consciousness Revolution


by Graham Hancock: Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of science – perhaps the greatest mystery…