Are Plant Medicines Part Of Traditional Yoga


by Daniel Fow: “The Mystic States (Siddhis) are attained by yogic practices from previous lifetimes, or by special plants, mantric repetition, asceticism, or by meditation.” – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

5 Elements of Ayurveda


Ayurveda, the Vedic wisdom of life tells us about five elements. Five principles of matter…

Finding Your Yoga Teacher Voice


Yoga in its core is a spiritual practice. And the teaching style of the teacher will reflect their own spiritual practice…



Today we explore some of the commonly mis-interpreted concepts in the yoga sutras- Brahmacharya. It is commonly understood as complete celibacy.

Kriya For Awakening To Your Ten Bodies


The Ten Bodies are: Soul Body, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Physical Body, Arc Line, Auric Body, Pranic Body, Subtle Body, Radiant Body…

Process of Kundalini Awakening Part I


#1: Prana normally flows in either Ida or Pingala: Our kundalini energy system is usually more active in either the left or right sides, which are the Ida and Pingala.