How Lotus Pose Makes You Calmer


by Mireya Semelas: Padmasana is derived from the Sanskrit words “Padma” (‘lotus’) and “asana”(posture or pose), hence being commonly referred to as ‘Lotus Pose’…

Downward Dog


by Hannah Hewitt: Downward Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana is a classic asana that uses the muscles of upper and lower body… 



by Emily Regan: What is Shavasana?

15 Yoga Poses For Weight Loss


by Lauren Capp: The physical practice of yoga is often times strenuous as it tones the body and increases weight loss…

Yoga Poses For Insomnia


by Jenn Dawson: Yoga and yogic breathing can have a sedating effect on the body, which will help those suffering from insomnia…

Yoga For Back Pain


by Emily Regan: Many people suffer from back pain, whether it’s a result of an accident, poor posture, or…

Learn To Do A Handstand


by Jenn Dawson: Once you have accomplished your headstand and your forearm stand, you are ready to move into a handstand…

Less Arthritis Pain After 8 Weeks Of Yoga


by Shawna Williams-Johns Hopkins: Yoga can make people with arthritis feel better both physically and mentally, according to a study of patients who suffer from knee osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, two common forms of the disease…

Yoga Shows Promise For Prenatal Depression


by David Orenstein-Brown: A small pilot study finds evidence suggesting that yoga could help pregnant women with significant depression reduce the severity of the mood disorder…

Yoga Improves Depression And Anxiety


by Gina Digravio-Boston: Yoga and breathing exercises improve symptoms of depression and anxiety in the short term and cumulatively in the longer term, new research suggests…