Awaken Body Videos

Donna Quesada: Too many people are in survival mode or they give up all together…


Peter Diamandis: Is there an upper limit to the human lifespan?  Is biological age reversal...

Marion Woodman talks about healing. Healing means making whole.


Intimacy Educator and Holistic Healer: Felice Dunas, Ph.D.,


Aubrey de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist and the Chief Science Officer of SENS Foundation,...

Dan Millman:  introduced his first book, Whole Body Fitness, establishing his foray into the authorial...

by Donna Quesada: The devotional element is the missing ingredient for a broken relationship with...

In this highly personal talk from TEDMED, magician and stuntman David Blaine describes what it...

Donna Quesada: Alternate nostril breathing to control anxiety, balance the solar and lunar energies, and...

by Deepak Chopra MD:  This summer, I’m engaging friends, family and colleagues in reinventing their...

Aubrey de Grey passionately talks about the ultimate quest for significantly longer, healthier life! A...

This is a film made by McPetruk in 1938 showing BKS Iyengar practicing Astanga Vinyasa...