Awaken Yoga - Union Of Individual Consciousness With Universal Consciousness

Donna Quesada talks about Ch’i, our hidden source of power reserves, and how to recharge...

by Donna Quesada: The Tools – Kundalini Yoga is the science of awakening the life force...

by Ethan Indigo Smith: We have analytical minds with mediated wants which promote us to...

Your First Body is your Soul Body…


Donna Quesada for Awaken: Dear Swami Vivekananda, it is an honor to spend this time...

by Ajanta Suri: Classical Yoga has but one aim – to lead the mind to meditation…


by Jenny Kleeman: In the sticky monsoon heat of early August in Kerala, I was...

Donna Quesada explains the role of spaciousness in meditation,


Donna Quesada shares some words about trauma, the role of spirituality in facilitating the healing...

by Dr Kai Swigart: Depression, the most prevalent perturbation, the world’s largest disability; can be overcome,...

Donna Quesada shares a calming meditation from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga,


Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudeva: sheds light on the mystical Kundalini energy, which lies dormant in every human...