Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Home Base
Ojai, California, USA

Foundation of Teaching
“The Work”, Self-Realization, Presence, Non-Duality, Love

Example of Teaching
“Don’t believe every thing you think.”

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Byron Katie

Byron Kathleen Mitchell, better known as Byron Katie (born December 6, 1942), is an American speaker and author who teaches a method of self-inquiry known as “The Work of Byron Katie” or simply as “The Work”.

In 1986, at the bottom of a ten-year spiral into depression, rage, and self-loathing, Katie woke up one morning to a state of constant joy that has never left her. She realized that when she believed her stressful thoughts, she suffered, but that when she questioned them, she didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Her simple yet powerful process of inquiry is called The Work.

The Work is a way of identifying and questioning the stressful thoughts that cause all the suffering in the world. It consists of four questions and the turnarounds, which allow you to experience the opposite of what you believe. The four questions asked of a stressful thought are: 1) Is it true?, 2) Can you absolutely know that it’s true?, 3) How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?, and 4) Who would you be without that thought?

Katie has been bringing The Work to millions of people for more than twenty years. Her free public events, weekend workshops, nine-day School for The Work, and twenty-eight-day residential Turnaround House have brought freedom to people all over the world.

Eckhart Tolle says, “Byron Katie’s Work is a great blessing for our planet.” Time magazine calls Katie “a spiritual innovator for the new millennium.”

Byron Katie’s six books include the bestselling “Loving What Is,” “I Need Your Love—Is That True?,” and “A Thousand Names for Joy.”  She is married to the writer and translator Stephen Mitchell.



  1. “It’s not your job to like me – it’s mine”
  2. “Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it… it’s just easier if you do.”
  3. “Placing the blame or judgment on someone else leaves you powerless to change your experience; taking responsibility for your beliefs and judgments gives you the power to change them.”
  4. “All I have is all I need and all I need is all I have in this moment.”
  5. “Don’t believe every thing you think.”
  6. “All I have is all I need and all I need is all I have in this moment.”
  7. “Don’t believe every thing you think.”
  8. “The miracle of love comes to you in the presence of the uninterpreted moment. If you are mentally somewhere else, you miss real life.”