We’re happy you found us and are thrilled to walk this journey of self-discovery with you.
What Does An Awakened Life Look Like
How Does Awareness Engender The Process Of Awakening?
The Outermost Layer: Nature
Beginning to Journey Inward: Community
Deepening Layers of Awareness: Our Health
Deepening The Journey: The Mind
Coming Home to Spirit
The key to the spiritual journey is not found in things acquired outside of ourselves. Rather, it is discovered through the process of letting go…letting go of false authority, unnecessary attachments, and all the myriad fears and doubts which only serve to beguile us into the illusion of control and which serve only to distract us from the only truth that could ever set us free…that what we seek is already within us. And the entirety of life’s journey is but a vehicle for coming home to this sanctuary within, whether we call it the Atman, as the Hindus do, the still small voice within, like the Quakers, or simply, becoming conscious. Although unseen, it is the most significant part of who we are. Coming home to the heaven that lies within, is a coming into personal power…power to create, to manifest, to know, to be, to live our destiny freely, and in the company of those who support that journey. In this space of expanded awareness, we awaken to find ourselves in sweet harmony with all that is. This is awakening.
Here at Awaken, we are committed to bringing you wisdom of the highest quality and encouragement that supports you on your unique path, as well as teachers who are peerless in their own self-mastery.
The Subtler Realms: Energy
Teachers on Awaken

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