Awaken Spirit - Enlightenment
by Donna Quesada: One of my beloved spiritual teachers, Guru Singh, Ed and Deb Shapiro: Meditation: a well-used yet so often misunderstood word…
...Donna Quesada: You know, I’m glad you brought this up. There is this… in spiritual...
Donna Quesada: Leonard, you experienced a series of awakenings in the 80s,
...Donna Quesada: Well Leonard, it’s just a pleasure to meet with you again.
...Enlightenment experience of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, as explained by himself. Revealing deep insight about...
by Charles Francis: Those who achieve any measure of enlightenment do so through some form...
Awaken: Firstly, thank you, Wayne Dyer, for spending this time with us. Your books have...
AWAKEN: Firstly, thank you, Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), so much for your time today. We...
by Gustavo Castaner: 1. Higher Sensory Perception. Your intuition is developing at a rapid rate. Milen Raychev: Gautama Buddha, known as the Buddha, was a sage believed to have...