Awaken Mind - Guided Meditations

by Donna Quesada: Mary is the universally beloved connection to God and to the mysterious...

Donna Quesada guides you into presence and into the joy of the simple things, in...

Donna Quesada shares a non-denominational guided prayer for overwhelm and anxiety.


by Guru Singh: How meditation practice is medicine


Leonard Jacobson: leads you into a deep state of Presence.


Donna Quesada guides you through a meditation for anger, inspired by her time with Buddhist...

Donna Quesada leads a guided meditation to alleviate feelings of stress, panic and anxiety.


  by Donna Quesada: The guided prayer featured in this video, For the Animals, is...

Guided Meditation Video for Children and their Parents


Donna Quesada:: We have a new section on awaken that is specially designed for guided...

Donna Quesada leads a guided meditation into the beauty of the present moment.


Dr. Andrew Weil explains guided meditation and the importance of breathing exercises to achieve more...