Awaken Mind - Dreams

by Stefan: Remembering your dreams is something that lots of people find very difficult.


by Faye Sakellaridis: Each time we fall asleep, we enter a world more vast and...

Donna Quesada: Well Leonard, it’s just a pleasure to meet with you again.


by Michelle Estevez: Our dreams are nightly visitors that serve many purposes whether it be...

by Michelle Estevez: Do you ever find yourself waking up with the feeling that you...

by Marion Woodman: “She couldn’t be more perfect!” my colleague had exclaimed, scanning the pages...

by Fritz Perl: How can we fail to project ourselves into each and every dream...

Michael Bertrand: Your whole work seems to be in a way about soul making.


by Ed Parkinson: Do you have dreams? Do you have nightmares?


by Bernie Siegel, MD: There have been many dreams and experiences which have been personal...

by James Hirlehey: All people have innate psychic abilities. Some people have very strong psychic...

Carl Jung: This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is the theatre where...