Awaken Mind - Love
by Hunter Liguore: The remarkable shift of awareness and presence that comes when food is...
by Jane Goodall: Recently, the German Minister banned meat at official functions … Liana Minassian: Everybody eats. We all need food to live, and we all need...
by Lavonne Leong: It seems like everyone is talking about (or writing about) inflammation. Facts...
by Dr. Denise Nagel: I want to tell you a little about myself before I...
Donna Quesada: Part of your commitment to meeting them where they are is that commitment...
by Lavonne Leong: There’s a simple thing you can do to control systemic inflammation: focus...
Youur morning can be that make-or-break time that sets you up for a good day...
by Ocean Robbins: Palm oil is in food and other products around the world…
...Many people who are reading this may have a high acidity level in his or...
by Yasmin Anwar: Natural, restorative sleep can help stave off mental and physical decline as...
In this TEDtalk, Lissa Rankin explores the spiritual and scientific implications that the placebo effect...