Awaken Mind - Psychology

Dr. Jeffrey Zeig speaks about the work of Milton H. Erickson.


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Ed was part of the flower power love generation of...

by Christina Sarich: Anybody can cook, even if it’s only a fried egg…


by Tony Robbins: In honor of Dr. Wayne Dyer, whose transformative message touched so many...

Have you experienced having to do something because you feel that you have to do...

by Tim Brieske, M.D: As far as we know, human beings are the only life...

Donna Quesada: And so, do you feel that Yoga and meditation are necessary for this...

Enlightenment experience of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, as explained by himself. Revealing deep insight about...

by Jon Bloom: The evolution of Valentine’s Day has followed a course similar to the...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: There is nothing more certain and unchanging than uncertainty and...

It can be more than chocolates and roses!


by Ram Dass: How can we make sex sacred?
