Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Home Base
Cheney, Washington USA

Foundation of Teaching
Metaphysics, Seventh Sense Attunement, Presence, Love, Compassion

Example of Teaching
“You are created of light and Grace.  Imperfection is an illusion. Spirit knows you need not improve, only know your God self.”

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Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.

Lovingly called Dr. Meg by her audiences, Losey is known as an “in your face” author and teacher because of her forthright approach to every subject, she loves teaching classes and sharing personal interactions with her students and clients.

She is a Keynote Speaker and has been presenting globally for years. Dr. Meg has recently served as a consultant to Good Morning America and 20/20 News. Her expertise in relation to issues of children of the consciousness evolution is greatly in demand. She takes groups on journeys to sacred sites in such places as Mexico, Peru, Scotland and England and plans to expand her trips and locales in the near future.

Dr. Meg is a Master Healer, speaker, and teacher. She is an Ordained Minister in both Spiritual Science and Metaphysics. She is a Ph.D. of Holistic Life Coaching and holds a Doctoral Degree in Metaphysics. She is a medical intuitive the developer of the Seventh Sense Attunement® healing process.

Having always been intuitive, her gifts came naturally in a progression of what she calls “cosmic two by fours”. As Dr. Meg began exploring higher aspects of consciousness alone on a mountain in North Carolina, she literally began to see and understand the dynamics of energy. In that process, Dr. Meg learned to combine higher consciousness, energy, movement and music into a process which later developed into her popular workshop “Movement to Spirit”®.

This combination created a perfect energetic opening to intentional inter-dimensional awareness which Meg calls the Seventh Sense… Beyond the sixth sense and into holographic reality.

Dr. Meg is an advocate of  “The Children of Now,” a movement that creates awareness in society, schools and in families that assist these new and sensitive children  to be comfortable just being who they are. She is the host of Cosmic Partners Internet radio show on the Awakening Zone.



  1. “Love has become idealized to the point where many people no longer know what it feels like to truly be loved, or what loving another person is really about.”
  2. “We must acknowledge our self perfection – We are and always have been One in Source and within our Journeys.”
  3. “Accept the journey for which we have come – why fight the very things which we have come to learn?”
  4. “Maintain Personal integrity – That truth which is ours, that opportunity which we give ourselves to find truth within, is not what we are conditioned to perceive.”
  5. “Be what you are, not what others perceive you to be– You are created of light and Grace. Imperfection is an illusion. Spirit knows you need not improve, only know your God self.”
  6. “Consciousness is super luminal. It is faster than the speed of light. It is unlimited in scope, not tied to the boundaries of our brains, or even time or space.”
  7. “As we communicate universally, new and often different realities are created. Our bodies change and our experiences, our life experiences, change in response to the new realities.”
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