Awaken Mind - Philosophy

by Michael Shermer Utilitarianism and its discontents…


by Arjun Walia: Things have drastically changed since Galileo was placed under house arrest for...

by Eckhart Tolle: Discovering who you are…


by Cyndi Lee: A good mind/body connection is key in physical disciplines, says yoga teacher...

Love is all embracing and it expresses itself only in freedom


By Ali Drucker: A breakdown on the calories you burn and other physical health benefits...

by Donna Quesada: Who Am I—


by Arjun Walia: Human knowledge is constantly evolving and changing, yet most of us believe...

by Nicolette Stinson: You have infinite potential but sometimes your results don’t reflect that potential…


According to a study published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, dancing can...

by Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche: hakchok Rinpoche breaks down lessons from a 19th century great master...

Thirteen prominent teachers explain why Buddhists need to be be politically engaged at this crucial...