Awaken Spirit - Consciousness

by Madison A. Baker: Spirituality is one of the most important aspects of human life.


by Christof Koch: Scientists are beginning to unravel a mystery that has long vexed philosophers…


by Eckhart Tolle: Discovering who you are…


by Donna Quesada: Who Am I—


Heart humility – that is, knowing who we truly are and accepting our strengths with...

by Byron Katie: Stephen and I were talking about Jesus and the Gospel, which he...

by Tae Yun Kim: Only a miracle would free her to live her own life…


“It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that...

“In Buddhism, the word ’emptiness’ is a translation of the Sanskrit sunyata…


by John Foreman: It’s no secret that modern life can be stressful..


by Donna Quesada: Below is a simple but classic Indian story as was told to...

by Roshi Joan Halifax: At a Mind and Life Institute conference on neuroscience and compassion...