Awaken Mind - Philosophy

Donna Quesada: Well, Jill, it’s just wonderful to meet you. I’m so thrilled and excited...

by Abigail Rasminsky: Get answers to all the questions that are keeping you off the...

by Sarah Begley: Millions of people have tuned in for Swedish physician and statistician Hans...

‘by Yukari Mitsuhashi : Ikigai’ is the Japanese word for finding what fulfils you…


by Joaquín: The history and origins of mindfulness…


by Steve Ayan: You probably do not understand yourself as well as you think you...

by Sam Langley: Human beings are industrious creatures. “How are you? Busy? That’s good…”


by Andrew Harvey: An Excerpt From “Evolutionary Love Relationships: Passion, Authenticity, and Activism


by Alan Lightman: In 2016, the Harvard biologist emeritus and naturalist E.O. Wilson (TED Talk:...

by Christof Koch: Scientists are beginning to unravel a mystery that has long vexed philosophers…


by Michael Shermer Utilitarianism and its discontents…


by Arjun Walia: Things have drastically changed since Galileo was placed under house arrest for...