Awaken Earth – Environment

Guided Meditation Video for Children and their Parents


by Justin Faerman: Finnish Artist and Photographer Christoffer Relander’s We Are Nature series blurs the...

by Dr. Bohdanna Zazulak: To understand the nature of humanity and our true needs,


You won’t see it on showroom floors, but BMW is putting faith in its new...

Innovative design promises high performance without rare-earth magnets


by Catherine Palmer: Something positive is stirring up across the whole world….


by Richard Grant: A controversial German forester says yes, and his ideas are shaking up...

Have you ever wondered what the ideal human diet is? Have you ever asked yourself...

David Welch: What does it mean to awaken? Is there a process leading to levels...

When the heck did electric commercial flight become a realistic prospect?!


After 30 years of research, Professor Valter Longo believes he has created a diet that...

by Avery Phillips: Eyesight is one of the first things you notice declining as you...