Notable Living Contemporary Teachers


Place of Birth
Milwaukee, Wisconson, USA

Foundation of Teaching
Devotional Nonduality, Enlightenment, Levels of Consciousness

Example of Teaching
“Spiritual evolution occurs as the result of removing obstacles and not actually acquiring anything new.”

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David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. The uniqueness of his contribution to humanity comes from the advanced state of spiritual awareness known as “Enlightenment,” “Self–Realization,” and “Unio Mystica.” Rarely, if ever, has this spiritual state occurred in the life of an accomplished scientist and physician. Therefore, Dr. Hawkins was uniquely qualified to present a spiritual path that is scientifically compelling to modern society.

The classical hallmarks of this state are pristine awareness of Ultimate Reality, compassion for all beings, tireless dedication to alleviate suffering, radiant joy, and humor. People from all walks of life, nationalities, and spiritual orientations honor Dr. Hawkins as a teacher of advanced awareness, exemplified in the title “Rae Ryeong Seon Kak Tosa” (Foremost Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment) bestowed upon him in Korea.

Founding Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. (1983) and Founder of the Path of Devotional Nonduality (2003), Dr. Hawkins lectured widely at such places as Westminster Abbey; Oxford Forum; Universities of Notre Dame, Michigan, Argentina, Fordham and Harvard; University of California (SF) Medical School; Institute of Noetic Sciences; and Agape Spiritual Center (Los Angeles). In addition, he was an advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. He conferred with foreign governments on international diplomacy and was instrumental in resolving long–standing conflicts that were major threats to world peace.

Dr. Hawkins entered the field of medicine to alleviate human pain and distress, and his work as a physician was pioneering. As Medical Director of the North Nassau Mental Health Center (1956–1980) and Director of Research at Brunswick Hospital (1968–1979) on Long Island, his clinic was the largest practice in the United States, including a suite of twenty–five offices, two thousand outpatients, and several research laboratories. In 1973, he co–authored the ground–breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate chemist Linus Pauling, initiating a new field within psychiatry.

His clinical breakthroughs brought appearances on The Today Show, The Barbara Walters Show and The Mcneil/Leher News Hour. In the 1970s, he co–founded several psychiatric organizations, including the Editorial Board of the Journal of Schizophrenia and the Attitudinal Healing Center in New York.

Many awards followed, such as The Huxley Award for the “Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering,” Physicians Recognition Award by the American Medical Association, 50–Year Distinguished Life Fellow by the American Psychiatric Association, the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, and a nomination for the prestigious Templeton Prize that honors progress in Science and Religion.

He established the Pathway of Devotional Nonduality – a direct course to Enlightenment via clarification of core essentials that merely await activation by decision, intention, and dedication of the will. His book, “Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality,” is basically an instruction manual for the serious spiritual devotee, revealing information that is known only by those who have transcended the ego to reach Divine Realization.

He is the author of the best–selling trilogy, “Power vs. Force” (published in 25 languages); “The Eye of the I”; and “I: Reality and Subjectivity”; and ten additional books. “Map of Consciousness Explained” is to be published in 2020. His books are published in numerous languages and sold worldwide.

Dr. Hawkins’s honors are vast. His background is detailed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World, and his work has been acclaimed by many world leaders and Nobelists, including Mother Teresa. His life was completely devoted to the upliftment of mankind.

The teachings of Devotional Nonduality emphasize the core truths of the world’s great spiritual traditions: kindness and compassion to everything and everyone (including oneself), humility, forgiveness, reverence for all of life, and surrender to God. It is a direct path to Enlightenment in which each internal progression of love and integrity uplifts the whole of existence: “We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become,” states Dr. Hawkins.



  1. “Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.”
  2. “The person who suffers from inner poverty is relentlessly driven to accumulate on the material level.”
  3. “I just realized that I don’t have to have an opinion about everything–what a relief!”
  4. “The more we give love, the greater our capacity to do so.”
  5. “The other person merely mirrors back what we are projecting onto them.”
  6. “Handling an emotional crisis leads to greater wisdom and results in lifetime benefits. Fear of life is really the fear of emotions. It is not the facts that we fear but our feelings about them. Once we have mastery over our feelings, our fear of life diminishes.”
  7. “The world can only see us as we see ourselves.”’
  8. “We hang on to pain. It certainly satisfies our unconscious need for the alleviation of guilt through punishment. We get to feel miserable and rotten. The question then arises, “But for how long?”
  9. “Repressed and suppressed feelings require counter-energy to keep them submerged. It takes energy to hold down our feelings. As these feelings are relinquished, the energy that had been holding down the negativity is now freed for constructive uses.”
  10. “The only way to enhance one’s power in the world is by increasing one’s integrity, understanding, and capacity for compassion.”
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