Sandra Ingerman: In the newspaper I read an interview with a man who said he did not feel life was important enough
and wanted to go back to work to protect his children and grandchildren in the future. What a noble gesture.
The issue is that people are more interested in money than they are about life. And that about sums up what many people in the world want – material things. Yes, we need rent money and food. I am not writing this as a debate.
But when does mass humanity get that placing pollutants and poisons in the water we drink from, the earth we eat from, the air we breathe, is not an action that protects loved ones and future generations.
Is this truly what we have come to?
But in reality, I can see outrageous statements made from people of every walk of life, every spiritual and religious tradition. And what I am seeing in everyone’s behavior besides fear is pure rage and anger.
The saddest part of the pandemic for me besides all the death and suffering is the division being created. There is division among countries, economic levels, the ill and the healthy, and politics has gotten just crazy and scary.
And enter the spiritual community. We know from all the ancient teachings that magical healing abilities are created when we stand strong together as a collective, as we get to see an exponential rate of healing. But this takes focus and the willingness to work with an incredible amount of discipline to not have weak links that leaks the healing power out of the circle.
The spiritual community seems to have challenges in coming together. Of course we have our own ways of working. All shamans do. The key is to perform the healing work you are guided to do and not judge what others are doing. If you are emanating love, Light, kindness, honor, and respect, does it really matter how and when people do their work.
Last year I shared a powerful journey I had with Mother Earth. She shared that she is evolving to be part material form and part light, iridescent and transparent. There won’t be survival of the fittest as all the creatures inhabiting the Earth would be in this balance of form and spirit, with much more interplay than we experience now.
This is an evolutionary leap I won’t see in my lifetime. But I can see this as a future time with an Earth filled with beings who understand the power of love and live it rather than speaking about it.
You can only imagine the dissolution of life as we know it to get to this place. And maybe we are experiencing dissolution right now to step into a greater experience of what it means to be human and a nature being. And this new dream includes how we can live in harmonious communities together without domination, but mutual cooperation.
When we look at the core issue, what we are seeing are the egos from all walks of life and viewpoints blaming everyone outside of themselves for everything that is happening from climate change, world issues, the virus, and so on.
This is a time for reflection. We are all facing our death whether from the virus or other earth changes. It is time to go within and own your projections on whom you are blaming and do your work to heal and grow. No matter what happens I want to leave as evolved as possible. Blame leads us away from working with higher energies.
The full moon is June 5. I don’t think I have to tell you how important it is to leave surface practices and go as deep as you can. Let’s join our hands and feel the love for our circle and life. Travel within with so much love in your heart for all of life and shine your divine light on all you love.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage for instructions for our full moon ceremonies.
We also join hands together this month to celebrate the summer/winter solstice. The sun gives us life. Let’s honor the change in seasons and the new motion of the sun. Go outside if possible and lie on the earth. Tell her how much you love her and receive fully how much she loves you! Reflect on the beauty of life.
Wishing you a beautiful solstice!
Stay well and filled with light!
Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.
During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is We also have a section for online courses:
All my books and audio programs are filled with deep wisdom and helpful tools to improve the quality of your life and give wonderful suggestions of how we can be in greater service in the world. They are filled with tools to spiritually ride the waves of this time.
To order my books and audio programs please visit:
Please join Renee Baribeau and me on The Shamans Cave. It is an exciting opportunity for me to continue to share inspiration, shamanic practices and ceremonies. I hope you will subscribe.
For more information on our podcast schedule, other details, and to watch our archived podcasts please visit:
I would like to invite you to register for a series of free online webinars with my friend, co-author and shamanic practitioner Hank Wesselman. As many of you know, we co-authored the book, Awakening to the Spirit World, that won several literary awards. These new online webinars started on May 20th with one being released every 5 days.
Here is what he’ll be covering:
WORKSHOP #1: The Evolution of Western Shamanism & Spiritual Unfolding
WORKSHOP #2: Authentic Initiation Rituals for Changing Times
WORKSHOP #3: The Shaman’s Path of Deep Discovery and Your Authentic Self
Just click here to register for Free at:
If for any reason you are unable to attend for the Live webinar, then please register to get the recordings. Soon after Hank will be releasing an online weekly community to do active Shamanic Journey Work for the next 12 months that you will want to check out.
In Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan: Shamanic Practices to Restore Emotional and Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos, globally revered shamanism teacher and author Evelyn Rysdyk will help you tap into the archetypal energies of an ancient Norse dragon-shaman and mythological Giantesses of manifestation to activate your own innate destructor-creator balancing capabilities.
Attending this complimentary online event can help you reconnect with the restorative creative force within and around you. You’ll discover how increasing your inherent creative energy can provide healing for you — and for the planet.
Register here:
There’s a new body of work nudging you from the inside and the Divine is ready to collaborate with you!
That’s why Alexis Cohen, artist and founder of Artist Ascension Academy has created Paint, Pray, Flow. It’s a complimentary interview series, starting June 1st 2020.
This is a FREE and GROUNDING way to carve out time and space to CONNECT and LISTEN to Spirit through meditation, prayer, writing and art making in a community of visionaries just like YOU. (All faiths and spiritual belief systems are celebrated and welcome!)
Reserve your spot here at no cost:
Nick Polizzi from The Sacred Science has created another film series on alternative health treatments. His new series is titled Proven.
If you want to expand your horizons and discover fact-based solutions for what is ailing you (or a family member), there’s a new 9-part documentary series called Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science that is premiering in a few days.
Click HERE to watch the trailer!
There are so many complementary, alternative, and natural ways to protect – and to reclaim – strong, optimal health. Many of these healing resources are amazingly simple, and you can take advantage of them all by yourself!
Far more treatments and therapies exist in this world than you are being told about – and their power has been proven, scientifically.
Regardless of whether you are struggling with a chronic health condition, or want more vital energy, or you simply want to defy the effects of aging in the years to come… You might be interested in this series.
Experience vibrational frequencies that allow your body to “tune” itself with Eileen McKusick
On Wednesday, May 20, Eileen did an intro call about how you start to harmonize your emotions and electric health during these trying times — right to your bones, where feelings of fear can embed deeply — in a free video event: Biofield Tuning to Boost Your Electric Health: Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity for Greater Resilience & Vitality.
Although the introductory call is over you can still use this link to watch a replay or register for her course.
You can reserve your FREE space here:
On Wednesday, May 27, bestselling author and psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD, shared how you can start building effective energetic protection skills and lean into the art of surrender — to become unburdened of toxic energies and able to transmute your life experiences –– in a free video event, Dr. Judith Orloff’s Keys to Being a Healthy Empath: Practices for Protection, Surrender & Listening to Your Intuition During Stressful Times. You can watch the replay. I know Judith well, and I appreciate her work.
You can register here: