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Journey To Heal Past Lives

by : As with previous journeys, you may want to record these instructions ahead of time to facilitate your experience…


Prepare for this journey by opening sacred space. Perform the little-death exercise, and then silently state your intention for this journey—to heal your former selves and discover your original nature. Be open to the possibilities of your destiny, whatever they might be.

Send your luminous body into the trunk of a great tree, and come to a place above the clouds in the thinnest and highest levels of the atmosphere.

You’re on a solid cloud where you can walk safely. Call on the gatekeeper, the Lord of Time, and ask to be allowed to enter his domains. Look into his eyes and state your intent: that you are here to find your original self. Now call for your celestial parents and ask them to help you find who you were before you were born—before you entered the stream of time. They will take you to the ladder that leads up to the Fifth World, where you’ll be met by your original self.

Ask your original self to take you to a clear, shallow pool. Look at the pure white sand on the bottom and ask your original self to blow across the surface of the water and call forth the lifetime in which you suffered the most. Watch how the ripples begin to form and reveal the landscape of this lifetime.

Are you a boy or a girl? What color is your skin? Look at your feet—are you walking on grass, sand, or cobblestone? Where is your home? Who are your parents? How did you play? Where is your village or town? Who are your loved ones? How did you grow up? Why did you suffer? Who was your spouse? Did you have children, and if so, who were they? Whom did you lose that you loved? Whom did you hurt? Did you betray someone? Who hurt you? Whom did you not forgive? How were you not forgiven? How did you die?

Ask to fast-forward to the last five minutes of that lifetime. Who was with you? Did anybody hold your hand? Who forgave you? Whom did you forgive? Now take a deep breath and tell this self that was you to inhale deeply and exhale, and to set their spirit free. Tell them, “It’s okay, my love. It’s time to come home, my little one. All is forgiven.” See a look of peace and tranquility come over this self that was once you as they releases its final breath. Follow your soul as it rises from this body and hovers above it for an instant, and then as it goes through the dark tunnel of death to the fourth level of the Upper World. See it being met by your celestial parents and welcomed back home, knowing that all is forgiven.

See the images dissolve back into the sands of time at the bottom of the pool of remembrances, and the water becoming crystal clear again. Take a deep breath, look into the eyes of your original self, and say thank you.

Now, ask your original self to breathe again over the pool of remembrances, and to call forth the life in which you had the greatest knowledge and power but abused those gifts because you didn’t know how to use them properly. Watch the ripples begin to form and reveal the landscape of this life. Are you a boy or a girl? What color is your skin? Look at your feet—are you walking on grass, sand, or cobblestone? Where is your home? Who are your parents? Where is your village or town? How did you grow up? Whom did you love? How did you love? What were your gifts? Who taught you? What did you learn? How did you misuse your knowledge? How did you abuse your power? Whom did you hurt or betray?

Ask to fast-forward to the last five minutes of that lifetime. Who was with you? Did anybody hold your hand? Who forgave you? Whom did you forgive? Now help that former self die in peace and forgiveness. Tell them, “It’s okay, my little one, all is forgiven, all is right. Come home, my love.” See a look of peace and tranquility come over their face, and help that self take its last breath. Inhale deeply and exhale, release the breath, and watch that spirit as it goes home to your celestial parents.

See the images dissolve back into the sands of time at the bottom of the pool of remembrances, and the water become crystal clear. Take a deep breath and look into the eyes of your original self, and say thank you.

Ask to see one final lifetime, in which you had the greatest wisdom and you used it properly to be of service. Begin with your feet—are you wearing sandals or shoes? What color is your skin? How old are you? Are you a boy or a girl? Where do you live? Who are your parents? What did you learn? What were your gifts? Who taught you? How did you use your knowledge? How did you serve? How did you love? How did you live? What difference did you make in the world? 

Now fast-forward to the last five minutes of that lifetime, and help this self take its last breath: Inhale deeply and exhale, release the breath and the spirit with that breath, and observe your soul as it rises from this body and hovers above it for an instant then goes through the dark tunnel of death to the fourth level of the Upper World. See it being met by your celestial parents and welcomed back home. 

See the images dissolving back into the sands of time at the bottom of the pool of remembrances, and the water becoming crystal clear once again. Take a deep breath and look into the eyes of your original self, and say thank you.

After you’ve helped these three former lifetimes to find peace and forgiveness, thank your original self once more. Make a vow to always know who you are, even as you descend back to the Fourth Tier and your conscious mind forgets, so that God may know Itself through you. 

Now turn to your celestial parents and follow them back down the ladder to the fourth tier of the Upper World. If you like, take a moment to visit the village of your ancestors again, and know that all is well with them, that they are at peace. When you have finished, thank your celestial parents.

As you prepare to leave this world, thank the gatekeeper. Go through the clouds and into the uppermost branches of the great tree, descending down, back into the room and into your body, while calling on your winged power animal to accompany you.

Come back to your world, bringing with you the knowledge of how you can put your original self to service on Earth. Close sacred space.

Carry this intent to remember your true nature in your heart with purity and compassion.

Source: The Four Winds


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