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The Rise Of The Divine Feminine

by Courtney Long: Our world is experiencing a profound energetic shift. The Divine Feminine is rising and changing the very fabric of life, affecting the way we work, make money, relate to one another, and more…


The old, primarily masculine way of operating in the world is no longer working. Years ago, hard work used to get us what we wanted. Nowadays, the harder we push, the less things flow.

Are you having difficulty creating the abundance, love, and joy that you crave? Are you working too hard and hitting your head against a wall? Are you finding that the strategies you used in the past are no longer working?

If we don’t get in touch with the Divine Feminine energy, we will be left behind. Abundance, success, and love will not flow easily into our lives.

Photo by Gillian Hunter 

Like a dormant volcano, the Divine Feminine has been still and patiently waiting for us to recognize and honor her in our daily lives. Meanwhile, her magma is rumbling under the surface, calling us to listen and allow her to rise to the surface of our life.

The Divine Feminine is calling you to come home to her. She wants to hold you. She wants you to relax and rest in her loving arms. She is the love you have been seeking. She has been within you the entire time! She wants to help you create the love, joy, success, and abundance that you crave.

She is not what you might think. The Divine Feminine is not about being a woman. The Divine Feminine energy is not about wearing skirts, makeup, or looking “feminine” by conventional standards. Regardless of gender or biological sex, we all have masculine and feminine energy within us. In any given moment, we bring forth more of our masculine energy or more feminine energy, depending on what is needed in that moment.

And yet many of us, women included, have ignored our feminine energy for years. We busy ourselves with tasks, to-dos, and accomplishments. We stay anchored in our mind and endless stream of thoughts, rather than in the wisdom of our body. We do, do, do all day long without pausing and getting still enough to consult the deep wisdom of our intuition, which can be found within our energetic womb space.

Our masculine energy is wonderful and important. It allows us to focus, do, create, achieve, and take action. However, for this next phase of our spiritual evolution, we must balance and honor both our masculine and our feminine energy, so we can accurately hear our intuition, create the love and connection we deeply crave, and create the lives we want with greater ease and joy.

Do you know how to get into your feminine energy? Do you know what your feminine energy really is?

Feminine energy is the VOID or SPACE in which things exist. Masculine energy is the SPARK that lights up the space and ignites action, like a match lighting a fire.

Feminine energy is the space to be. The space to create. The space to be sensual and sexual. The space we sometimes need to relax, unwind, and just be. This is called the Feminine Sweet Space of Surrender (FS3).

Feminine energy is about BEING and RELAXING. Masculine energy is about DOING and TAKING ACTION.


Photo by Gillian Hunter 

Feminine energy allows you to RECEIVE, while masculine energy allows you to GIVE. A great motto for feminine energy is “relax and receive.”

Are you more comfortable giving than you are receiving? Are you more comfortable staying active and busy than you are just being, relaxing, and doing nothing? If so, it sounds like you are more comfortable in your masculine energy than your feminine energy.

Qualities of Feminine Energy

  • Flow
  • Surrender
  • Being
  • Listening (including listening to your intuition)
  • Trust
  • Acceptance and unconditional love
  • Nurturing
  • Beauty
  • Shining
  • Sensual and sexual

The Divine Feminine is not weak. Do not mistake her calm “beingness” for weakness. There is strength in surrender. There is also strength in trusting your intuition (and being willing to be thought a fool while you go out on a limb, following an intuitive hunch that doesn’t make “sense,” but you know to be true in your heart and body).

The Divine Feminine wants to spread her wings and soar freely like a butterfly.  She wants to express herself through your sexuality and through your voice. It’s her time. Don’t hold her back. Allow her to delightfully be herself. Allow her to flow through your life like a waterfall flowing through your heart.

Action Step: Feminine Sweet Space of Surrender (FS3)

The Divine Feminine wants you to relax in her loving arms. To get in touch with the feminine energy, wrap a soft blanket around your shoulders. Allow yourself to feel like you are in a cocoon of love. Set your phone and electronics aside.

On your bed or couch, lie down or sit in a comfortable reclined position. For 10 minutes, just BE. Relax and do nothing.

Take your attention within your body and notice how your body feels. Scan for any tense or tight muscles and give your body full permission to relax and feel good.

Simply be and enjoy basking in the relaxed, feminine energy. When you allow yourself to feel this Feminine Sweet Space of Surrender (FS3), you allow yourself to experience the love of the Divine Feminine. This love is already within you and all around you. It’s time to tap into it and let it flow.

Source: Soul Spring


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