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Along the Way to Awakening

by Bonnie Greenwall PhD: It has been many years now since my own kundalini activation and the energy is calm, as if it has spiraled down into a quiet center that supports my work and my life.


At this point, during 35 years I have met over 3000 people from all over the world who have awakened energy, and in many cases experienced the awakening of consciousness into a new perspective of life.  Today there are many more people speaking of kundalini than when I first began my work, and they bring various points of view.  I expect this depends on their spiritual and family backgrounds and the place in the process they currently experience. Some are stuck or we might say their awakening is incomplete.  For this reason there can be frightening descriptions, as well as over-enthusiastic encouragement on the various websites or blogs you may encounter.

Kundalini is the activity of your own life force, arising through the subtle body energy field to support changes that are part of self-realization.  It appears to me to be a mechanism for clearing as well as transforming various human characteristics, and so a person may experience great shifts in this process.  Our sense of a personal self, and the self-image we carry are challenged.  Old world views and drives may collapse.  We may feel old wounds, both physical and psychological, rise to the surface and grab our attention for a period of time so that we can acknowledge them, and so that the scars they left in our psyche can be healed.

To the extent you can find a loving witness within yourself, and a commitment to discovering your True Nature or your natural and untouched awakened spirit you will find it easier to address the issues that may arise in this process.  Many have called it evolutionary – the idea is that we humans are not aware of our true potential for love, openness, wisdom and creativity and this is a process that awakens that within us, if we allow it.  It eventually invites us to find in our core the natural direction of service in our lives. In some moments it may fill you with radiant light, or uncover your connectedness with all of nature and the cosmos. These experiences do not come from the old drives and thoughts, but seem to spring spontaneously from a deep cellular knowing and intuition, once we have learned to trust ourselves.

It can be challenging to awaken in today’s world — or perhaps in earlier times and places others met similar challenges – for now you begin to see more clearly the tragic-comedy of the human condition with more compassion.  But when you are willing, you may also discover an inner strength to meet what arises and respond  without the overwhelm that the little “me” used to hold.

This awakening may be sudden and ecstatic for a short time,  but it initiates a process that is bringing you to a place that is free of the past and open to the moment, and for almost everyone this takes much longer.  You are not doing this – it is doing you.  Be gentle with yourself, and find the stillpoint, the inner presence that is within and around you, and trust you are meant to move through any challenges that arise so that you can find wholeness and peace.

Spiritual awakening is not an escape from life but an invitation to find your unique expression within it.

I will be interviewed again on Buddha at the Gas Pump (BATGAP), a wonderful web and youtube program , on Oct 20.  Many spiritual teachers and guides from every tradition have been interviewed over the years on this site and if you aren’t familiar with it look it up to find some inspiring talks.

If you have questions for me perhaps you would like a a consultation regarding your own spiritual awakening process,  If so, please read about my services, and contact me through the contact page on this website and I will send you information and a questionnaire I use to help me understand and make suggestions regarding the unique issues of your experience. You may also find helpful my latest book “When Spirit Leaps: Navigating the Process of Spiritual Awakening”.

Source: Kundalini Guide


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