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Magnesium May Prime The Immune System To Fight Cancer And Infections

by Tracy Irvine: Whether you are already a devoted magnesium fan, or you are newly curious about


the possibility of magnesium deficiency in your body, finding out about supplementing with magnesium is always information worth researching.

If taking magnesium supplements turns out to be the correct choice for you and for your diet, you may be adding not only a dose of knowledge – but also sources of immunity and energy into your life.

This is especially the case if you suffer from magnesium deficiency. (1)

Until now, little research has been conducted to determine how magnesium actually does work to support healthy immune systems. (2)

Contrastingly, scientists in Switzerland have recently discovered that cytotoxic or “killer” T cells, a type of immune cell, can only eliminate cancerous or infected cells in the presence of magnesium. (3)

The Editorial Linking Magnesium And Health

The health information gleaned from the trusted study takes medical interest surrounding cancer and magnesium deficiency (involving dietary magnesium intakes) to new levels.

Previous research has discovered that cancer spreads more quickly in mice fed a low-magnesium diet. Furthermore, the animals’ immune defenses against influenza viruses are weakened.

The study appears in Cell, and the article was published on January 19, 2022. The researchers discovered that magnesium activates a protein on the surface of cytotoxic T cells called LFA-1, which they use to lock on to their target cells.

“In the inactive state, this docking site is in a bent conformation and thus cannot efficiently bind to infected or abnormal cells,” explains senior author Dr. Christoph Hess, Ph.D., of the Universities of Basel and Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

“If magnesium is present in sufficient quantities in the vicinity of the T cells, it binds to LFA-1 and ensures that it remains in an extended — and therefore active — position,” he adds.

When the researchers examined data from previous clinical trials of cancerimmunotherapies, they discovered that low serum magnesium levels were associated with faster disease progression and shorter survival.

“In light of our experimental data and the retrospective analyses we performed on two clinical trials, magnesium deficiency is very likely to be responsible for at least a proportion of the insufficient efficacy seen in cancer patients receiving immunotherapy,” Dr. Hess told Medical News Today.

“The results don’t surprise me,’’ said Taylor C. Wallace, Ph.D., of the study.

Dr. Wallace is a senior fellow at the Center for Magnesium Education & Research in Hawaii, and an adjunct professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.

“Magnesium is involved with over 600 enzymatic reactions in the body, many of which are involved with immune system function,” he told MNT.

He stated that most magnesium in serum is bound to the protein albumin and thus is not as freely available to the body as another form known as blood ionized magnesium.

How extracellular magnesium affects immunity is an exciting and promising area of science,” he told MNT.

However, he questioned whether serum magnesium concentration, which scientists frequently use to assess an individual’s mineral status, is a reliable marker.

“The research community needs to be concurrently assessing whole blood ionized magnesium (not common in research) to fully understand how diet [or] supplementscan influence magnesium status,” he added.

The researchers plan to explore the possible benefits of magnesium supplementation during cancer therapy in future research involving randomized controlled trials. (3)

Magnesium Diets – Dictated By Different Elements

Experts define magnesium as an “essential macromineral,” meaning people need to be taking it into their bodies in relatively large amounts to remain healthy. (10)

The following foods are rich sources of magnesium:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Halibut fish
  • Chia seeds
  • Bananas
  • Almonds
  • Spinach
  • Cashews
  • Kidney beans
  • Peanuts
  • Soymilk
  • Edamame
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole Wheat bread
  • Dark chocolate
  • Avocado
  • Yogurt
  • Brown rice
  • Cacao powder (4,5)

Unfortunately, the dietary food we consume often does not provide us with enough magnesium, even though magnesium is widely distributed in plant and animal foodsand in beverages. (1)

Here are some reasons why:

  1. The refining and processing of our food, which can reduce magnesium by 82–97 percent in the processing of foodstuffs such as wheat to flour, rice to polished rice, or corn to starch, are contributors to the significant losses in dietary magnesium intakes incurred by the general population. (8)
  2. Higher magnesium intakes are less beneficial if a person drinks too much alcohol, causing magnesium level loss from tissues. Also when people consume large quantities of sugar this increases renal loss of magnesium. (11)
  3. If someone has an undiagnosed endocrine-related disease that has associations with magnesium deficiency this can sometimes be the missing link to their poor health. (8)
  4. Equally, stress causes loss of magnesium through the kidneys while at the same time interfering with absorption from the gut. (8)
  5. Another hidden epidemic, gluten sensitivity, causes gut damage that further impairs magnesium absorption. (11)

Magnesium deficiency has links to a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and even the risk of certain cancers. (2)

Yet you might be surprised how many health problems magnesium deficiency can actually be responsible for – from depression, to anxiety, even insomnia. This deficiency can be the source of many symptoms that we all experience from time to time. (2)

You can download our FREE ebook “The Magnesium Solution Solving the Biggest Deficiency in America”

Higher Magnesium Intake At The Clinic, And At Home

It is already known health information that magnesium can be introduced into our bodies by other methods other than oral magnesium supplementation through modalities such as: (6)

  • Magnesium oil applied topically in the form of a spray
  • Sitting in a bath with magnesium chloride flakes.
  • Intravenous magnesium sulfate/magnesium sulfate therapy – a magnesium sulfate injection used in medical clinics to treat hypomagnesemia (low levels of magnesium in blood).
  • Taking multivitamins or dietary supplements to supply the cofactors for magnesium utilization, and absorption. (6,7,9)

Guides Facilitating Magnesium Supplementation

According to both time-tested wisdom, and medical evidence, higher magnesium intake continues to involve breakthrough discoveries that could potentially helpadvancements in the prevention of many illnesses, and diseases.

Recently it seems like the depth, range, and quality of information surrounding magnesium and health may be confirming the positive results of recent different scientific editorials.

The findings of this particular trusted medical research reveal an exciting and profound step in achieving total health through higher magnesium intakes.

Most importantly magnesium has been highlighted as a possible cofactor in the immune system’s preparation to fight cancer and infections.

Dietary supplements should never be deemed a substitute for a healthy diet packed with fresh greens, but as shown, most of us need to also supplement with vitamins or minerals such as magnesium.

If we can keep our immune systems strong with magnesium, we may gain more control over our health, our sleep patterns, and our daily mental and physicalperformances.

It is always helpful to have access to a personal Magnesium Guide, to feel safe, and be able to trust our diets and our health – no matter what.

Tracy Irvine-awakenTracy Irvine: is a retired beauty therapist with over 28 years experience in the beauty world. She now helps natural spa and beauty experts create huge wealth and vibrant health, as they shine in Zen calm. Originally from Scotland, after 7 years of continuous travel she resides in Guatemala – where she is also a successful content writer for the beauty, spa, hotel, and holistic industries.



Source: Healthy Holistic Living


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