by Sophia Bartolini: Did you know there are specific yoga poses for digestion?
Having good digestion is such a key aspect to feeling our best. But no matter how healthy we eat, we all deal with stomach trouble from time to time. Thankfully, there are yoga poses for digestion that can help.
Whether it’s stomach pain, bloating, constipation, or cramps, having digestive pain is not a fun experience and can leave us unable to enjoy our daily lives.
As a world traveler, experiencing food poisoning and stomach pain is not unusual, even when you avoid street food! I always head right to my mat and do some yoga, hoping it will help.
And guess what? It does work! The following yoga poses help with digestion – sometimes right away. Isn’t it amazing how all we really need to help our body feel better is our own body?
Practice These 10 Yoga Poses for Digestion to Ease Your Tummy Troubles:
Below are some of the best yoga poses for digestion to help you feel better fast.
1. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Let’s try it:
- Start on your knees, using a blanket or pillow under them if you feel any pain
- From there, slowly lean back, walking your hands across your calves until you reach your heels
- Hold the pose for as long as you can, optimally one to two minutes
- If you can’t reach your feet, then do the backbend with your hands resting on your hips
2. Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)

Let’s try it:
- Start by lying down and bringing your knees into your chest
- Bring your arms on the inside of each leg, grabbing your big toes with your thumbs, middle, and forefingers, or hold onto the pinky sides of your feet with your hands
- Then use your hands to pull your legs to either side
- Focus on bringing your knees toward your shoulders while keeping your low back grounded on the mat
- Hold for as long as it feels comfortable
3. Reclined Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

Let’s try it:
- Start by lying down and bring one knee into your chest
- Bring your knee across the front of your body to the floor on the opposite side of your mat so that your low back and abdomen are twisted to the side
- You can place the hand that is on the same side as the knee on top of the knee to hold it down
- Extend your other arm out to the side, keeping your shoulders grounded
- Turn your head to face in the same direction as your extended arm
- Hold for as long as you like, taking deep breaths into your belly
- When finished, slowly bring both legs back straight on the ground
- Then hug both knees to your chest before repeating on the other side
4. Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana)

Let’s try it:
- Start from Downward Facing Dog and step one leg forward between your feet into a Low Lunge
- Then reach your arms up and straighten both your legs
- Try to keep both feet in a straight line facing one direction
- If you need more balance, you can turn your back foot out slightly
- Fold from your hips, reach your opposite arm to your front and grab onto your ankle or rest your hand on the floor by your foot
- Take your other arm up with your fingertips pointing toward the sky
- Hold for a full minute if you can, and then repeat on the other side
5. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Let’s try it:
- Come down to your mat, resting your belly on the ground
- Let your arms lay on either side of your body
- On an inhale, bend your knees while also lifting your upper body off the mat
- Reach your arms behind you to grab your ankles in your hands as you continue to pull your legs and upper body up toward each other
- Engage the muscles of your back
- Hold for as long as comfortable
6. Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Let’s try it:
- Sitting down on the ground, bring your legs in front of you
- Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor
- Slide your right leg under the other so that your knee is pressing against the outside of your left foot
- Twist toward your left, bringing your right elbow to brace against your right knee, helping to gently push you into the twist
- Try to keep your spine straight and long to improve the stretch
- Hold for as long as is comfortable and then switch sides
7. Garland Pose (Malasana)

Let’s try it:
- Stand tall on your mat and slowly begin to walk your feet apart so they are a little wider than hip-distance apart
- Squat down toward the mat until your glutes almost reach your legs
- Move your arms to the inside of your thighs and bring your palms together with your elbows bent
- Press your arms into your legs
- To go even deeper into this pose, press further outward with your arms against your legs
- Keep breathing steady, long breaths to signal to your body that it’s okay to release into this pose
8. Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

Let’s try it:
- Begin on all fours, with your hips stacked above your knees and your shoulders directly above your wrists
- Walk your hands forward as you slowly drop your chest closer to the ground
- Keep your legs and lower body in the same position
- You have the choice of resting your forehead on the mat or keeping your gaze forward – do whichever feels best for your body
- The longer you hold this pose, the further you’ll be able to bring your chest toward the ground
- Hold for as long as it feels comfortable
9. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Let’s try it:
- Lay down on your back with your legs bent so your feet are planted on the ground
- Rest your arms on either side of your body and then lift your hips and pelvis off the mat
- At the same time, begin pressing your arms into the ground to support you
- Engage your core, your back, and your glutes to keep you stable as you continue to lift with your belly
- Hold for as long as it feels comfortable
10. Knees-to-Chest (Apanasana)

Let’s try it:
- Start by lying down and hugging both knees into your chest
- Keep your head resting on the ground with your low back still touching the mat
- If your low back starts to lift off the floor, release your legs a bit in order to keep your back on the floor
- Hold for as long as it feels comfortable
Use These Yoga Poses for Digestion to Feel Your Best
Don’t let stomach troubles keep you from feeling your best!
With these yoga poses for digestion, you’ll have the tools anytime, anywhere to help yourself feel better.
By incorporating these postures into your daily practice, you can increase your overall well-being and digestive comfort!