Notable Living Contemporary Teachers


Home Base
Manchester, England

Foundation of Teaching
Presence, Psychology, Consciousness, Spirituality

Example of Teaching
“We need to wake up for the sake of the human race as a whole, in order to become free of the social chaos and conflict which have blighted the last few thousand years of history.”

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Dr. Steve Taylor PhD

Steve Taylor, PhD is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Metropolitan University, and the author of several best-selling books on psychology and spirituality. For the last two years he has been included (this year at no. 38) in Mind, Body, Spirit magazine’s list of the ‘100 most spiritually influential living people.’ His books include Waking From Sleep, The Fall, Out of the Darkness, Back to Sanity, and his latest book The Meaning. His books have been published in 16 languages, while his articles and essays have been published in over 40 academic journals, magazines and newspapers.

Eckhart Tolle has described his work as ‘an important contribution to the shift in consciousness which is happening on our planet at present.’ Andrew Harvey has said of his work, ‘Its importance for our menacing times and for the transformation being birthed by them cannot be exaggerated.’ Steve is also a poet; his first book of poems and spiritual reflections, The Meaning, has just been published.

Steve lives in Manchester, England, with his wife and three young children.



  1. “Regular meditation can make us less affected by negative thoughts, and create a more grounded and stable sense of self, so that we’re less dependent on respect and affirmation from other people.”
  2. “Part of the reason why bringing up children can be a spiritual experience is because children are such strongly spiritual beings themselves.”
  3. “The human sense of incompleteness generates a craving for possessions, power and status, as a way of trying to complete ourselves and compensate for our inner discord.”
  4. “Spiritual experiences are overwhelmingly positive experiences. They are experiences of rapture, in which we perceive reality at a heightened intensity, feel a powerful sense of inner well-being, experience a sense of oneness with our surroundings and become aware of a force of benevolence and harmony which pervades the cosmos.”
  5. “Many people who return from encounters with death – either because a threat passes or they make a miraculous recovery – undergo a permanent spiritual shift. Of course, this is one the most significant features of near-death experiences. Most of those who undergo the experience gain a new spiritual outlook, becoming less materialistic and egotistical and more compassionate, more concerned with helping and serving others than fulfilling their own desires and ambitions.”
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