Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Home Base
Ashland Oregon, USA

Foundation of Teaching
Self-Realization, Presence, Non-Duality, Advaita Vedanta

Example of Teaching
“Awaken means coming out of misidentification…coming out of a trance that our conditioning puts us into. A family conditioning, a social conditioning, without making that conditioning wrong. Just recognizing that mostly we are in a trance state, and so we awaken from that trance. We recognize that we are not who we think we are. We’re not who we’ve been told we are. We are not who we hope we are. And we are not who we fear we are! There’s something deeper and closer than any of those realms.”

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The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance

You Are That

Just Like You: An Autobiography


The Gangaji Foundation
P.O. Box 716
Ashland OR 97520
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Gangaji shares a simple message – This is an invitation to shift your allegiance from the activities of your mind to the eternal presence of your being.

Born in Texas in 1942, Gangaji grew up in Mississippi. After graduating from the University of Mississippi in 1964, she married and had a daughter. In 1972, she moved to San Francisco where she began exploring deeper levels of her being. She took Bodhisattva vows, practiced Zen and Vipassana meditation, helped run a Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center, and had a career as an acupuncturist in the San Francisco Bay area.

Despite her successes, Gangaji continued to experience a deep and persistent longing for fulfillment. She pursued many paths to change her life including relationship, motherhood, political activism, career, and spiritual practice, but even the greatest of her successes ultimately came up short. In the wake of her disillusionment, she made a final prayer for true help. In 1990, the answer to her prayer came unexpectedly, taking her to India and to the meeting that would change everything. There on the banks of the river Ganga, she met Sri H.W.L. Poonja, also known as Papaji, who opened the floodgates of self-recognition. In this meeting, Gangaji’s personal story of suffering ended and the promise of a true life began to flower and unfold.

Today, Gangaji travels the world speaking to seekers from all walks of life. A teacher and author, she shares her direct experience of the essential message she received from Papaji and offers it to all who want to discover a true and lasting fulfillment. Through her life and words, she powerfully articulates how it is really possible to discover the truth of who you are and to be true to that discovery.



  1. “Fulfillment has nothing to do with circumstances.”
  2. “Need nothing and then see what happens.”
  3. “It is important to recognize that you are special, the most special, the only special.”
  4. “To be truly happy you must recognize who you are with nothing.”
  5. “You cannot be happy unless you are serving the truth of your being, however that service looks.”
  6. “There’s great release, really, in not seeing into the future.”
  7. “Not because it is far away and can not be reached, but because it is so intimately close, closer than anything that can be spoken. It is alive as the stillness in the core of your being too close to be described, too close to be objectified, too close to be known in the usual way of knowledge.The truth of who you are is yours already. It is already present…”
  8. “The choiceless truth of who you are is revealed to be permanently here permeating everything. Not a thing and not separate from anything.”
  9. “Even in the running away from hurting, there is hurting. In opening unprotected to the experience that is enslaving you with its torment, there is the willingness to be free.” Are you willing? Or do you just want to wait until the world  finally gets it and does it your way?”
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