Notable Living Contemporary Teachers


Home Base
Denver, Colorado  USA

Foundation of Teaching
Self-Realization, Presence, Non-Duality, Consciousness, Mysticism, Science

Example of Teaching
“Evolution does not isolate us from the rest of the Kosmos, it unites us with the rest of the Kosmos: the same currents that produced birds from dust and poetry from rocks produce egos from ids and sages from egos.”

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Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber is the world’s leading “integral” philosopher. The author of such titles as “A Brief History of Everything (1996)” and “A Theory of Everything (2000),” his philosophy integrates body, mind, soul, and Spirit with self, culture, and nature. Integral philosophy is rapidly becoming a powerful presence in fields as diverse as politics and spirituality, psychology and business, medicine, and art.

Revered as the “Einstein of consciousness,” Wilber has written sixteen books exploring different facets of human development and cultural evolution. His first book, “The Spectrum of Consciousness (1977),” written when he was only 23, became a seminal text in the emerging field of transpersonal psychology. His most recent book, “Boomeritis (2002),” is a novelized critique of our postmodern culture and a call to move to a higher, more integral relationship to life. He is currently finishing the third volume of his “Kosmos Trilogy,” the most up-to-date summation of his continually evolving philosophy.

In 2000, Wilber founded the Integral Institute to support and promote integral thinking. The Institute acts as a clearinghouse for research and applications using the integral approach, and recently launched an engaging online resource, “Integral Naked,” to introduce cutting-edge integral thinkers to the public. His latest project is the development of Integral University, an online learning community that will offer accredited courses in a variety of fields such as Integral Ecology and Integral Law.

With a growing popularity among the younger generations, Wilber’s philosophy has sparked online discussion forum communities and e-zines, as well as live gatherings called integral salons. United under the banner of “IntegralNEXT,” their mission is “to help create connections between individuals and groups who are seeking to enact an integral vision in their day-to-day lives—people yearning for true integration, genuine transformation, and whole-hearted communion.”

Ken Wilber currently lives in Denver, Colorado.



  1. “I rise to taste the dawn, and find that love alone will shine today.”
  2. “What is it in you that brings you to a spiritual teacher in the first place? It’s not the spirit in you, since that is already enlightened, and has no need to seek. No, it is the ego in you that brings you to a teacher.”
  3. “Most of us, I suspect, prefer our teachers to be of the Nice Guy variety. In other words, all of my books are lies. They are simply maps of a territory, shadows of a reality, gray symbols dragging their bellies across the dead page, suffocated signs full of muffled sound and faded glory, signifying absolutely nothing. And it is the nothing, the Mystery, the Emptiness alone that needs to be realized: not known but felt, not thought but breathed, not an object but an atmosphere, not a lesson but a life.”
  4. “We baby boomers have to be on guard against the belief that we’re the only ones who ever got it right. the truth is that were just another group of nut cases.”
  5. “Growth is hard, regression is easy”
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