Western boundary currents have long played a key role in stabilizing our climate, by carrying heat southwards and moderating coastal climates.

As these currents warp and become less predictable, they will change how heat is distributed, how gases are dissolved in seawater, and how nutrients are spread across the oceans.

In turn, this will mean major changes to local weather patterns and marine ecosystems.

More intense eddies are likely to warm our coastal oceans, too, by moving warm waters closer to shore.

For many people, these currents are out of sight, out of mind. They won’t stay that way.

As these vital currents change, they will change the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people who live along the coasts of South Africa, Australia, and Brazil.The Conversation

Moninya Roughan, Professor in Oceanography, UNSW Sydney and Junde Li, Postdoctoral research associate

Source: Science Alert