Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Home Base
California, USA

Foundation of Teaching
The Fourth Way, Tibetan Buddhism, Mysticism

Example of Teaching
“Contrary to popular belief, inner transformation does not produce behavioral and psychological results that can be easily recognized from outside.”

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E.J. Gold

Jazz musician, artist and author, Eugene Jeffrey “E.J.” Gold is a spiritual teacher in the “Fourth Way” tradition of G.I. Gurdjieff.

Gold’s large-scale JazzArt paintings have served as backdrops for Wynton Marsalis, Herbie Hancock and Nancy Wilson and for film sets. He has written and self published over 50 books and started an online science fiction museum. In the 1960s, he collaborated on several novels with his father Horace Gold (founding editor of Galaxy Science Fiction magazine) and also worked on television scripts.

Gold grew up in New York City and as a child created and presented his artwork at the Children’s Art Carnival at the Museum of Modern Art.

In the mid 1950s he moved to Hollywood and attended the Otis Art Institute. In the 1960s, he worked as a jazz musician, composer, and as a photographer for Tiger Beat magazine and by the early 1970s, Gold emerged as a sculptor and painter associated with the “California Nine” group.

Although his spiritual teaching and work bears a strong affinity with the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff, Gold also demonstrates an influence of Tibetan tantric teachings such as the concept of  bardo or “intermediate state.” The fundamental emphasis of Gold’s teaching, like that of Gurdjieff, is on the concept of spiritual “Work” in daily life and a constant effort to increase and maintain heightened awareness in all activities. Gold hosts workshops in onstage comedy and theatre and is the founder of “You Can Paint” art instruction series which is now used at art associations.


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