Notable Living Contemporary Teachers


Home Base
Schaumburg, Germany

Foundation of Teaching
Self-Realization, Presence, Non-Duality, Compassion, Love, Hinduisim

Example of Teaching
“The Divine is the sea. All religions are rivers leading to the sea. Some rivers wind a great deal. Why not go to the sea directly?”

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Bringing Down the Light: Journey of a Soul After Death

At the Feet of Mother Meera: The Lessons of Silence by [Linebaugh, Sonia L.]

At the Feet of Mother Meera


Mother Meera
Schloss Schaumburg
6558 Balduinstein, Germany
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Mother Meera

Mother Meera is know for her divine Darshan, (seeing the scared). Her followers, worldwide come for her Darshan, a ritual where she offers her touch and a gaze and a blessing of love, light and grace.

Meera was born in a small village of Nalgonda in the state o Andhra Pradesh in southern India. At age six, she experienced her first samadhi, that lasted one day

At age 12, her uncle recognized the vision in her and convinced that she was the Divine Mother brought her to Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. She began her practice of giving Darshan there at an early age.

Meera began her travels in 1970s starting in Canada and later went to Germany where she married a  German. Although she travels worldwide, her base is in the small town of Balduinstein, Germany. There are Mother Meera Foundations in the US, Canada and Euorpe and in 2010, the Mother Meera School was established in Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh.



  1. “God is silent. Everything comes out of silence.”
  2. “In silence more work can be done. The true experience of bliss is without words.”
  3. “When the divine grace is on man, no manmade creative energy can destroy the world.”
  4. “The Divine is the sea. All religions are rivers leading to the sea. Some rivers wind a great deal. Why not go to the sea directly?”
  5. “If we know how to love, we can love each other and may also love the Divine. Love comes spontaneously and has no rules and regulations.”
  6. “I am giving Darshan always, everywhere.”
  7. “Pray to God wholeheartedly to remove all obstacles.”
  8. “Everything – good and bad – is God.”
  9. “Two things are important.  One is to believe in God and the other is to have self-confidence.”
  10. “As long as we have faith in the Divine there is no fear, but when we lose faith, fear comes up.”
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