Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Foundation of Teaching
Tantra, Bioenergetics, Neurolinguistic Programming, Sacred Ritual

Example of Teaching
“The beauty and wisdom of Tantra is that it enhances sexuality as a doorway to the “ecstatic mind of great bliss”. Truly, at the peak of orgasm, we pierce through the illusion of fragmentation and separation, and glimpse the unity and interconnectedness of all beings. And through the other–our partner–we fall in love with life.”

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Margot Anand

Margot Anand is an internationally acclaimed authority on Tantra, best-selling author, and much-beloved teacher and founder of SkyDancing Tantra®. Margot’s books, videos, CDs and DVDs are widely regarded as the seminal teachings for integrating spirituality and sexuality and for cultivating the art of ecstatic living. Her popular books are available in numerous languages, and include “The Art of Everyday Ecstasy,” “The Art of Sexual Ecstasy,” “The Art of Sexual Magic,” “Sexual Ecstasy: The Art of Orgasm,” and her latest release The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook: “The Path Of SkyDancing Tantra.” Margot just released her 3-disc DVD trilogy, “The Secret Keys to the Ultimate Love Life,” to inspire a whole new generation of lovers as well as offer a refresher with some fun new twists to longtime students of her classic methods.

Margot is an adjunct faculty member at Dr. Deepak Chopra’s institute and has taught at Dr Dean Ornish’s annual retreats for heart patients. She recently presented at the weeklong program “Ultimate Passion” taught by Tony and Sage Robbins in Fiji. Robbins called Margot “…the leading expert in the world in the field of Tantra.”

A native of France, Margot received her degree from Sorbonne University in Paris and has spent decades studying with many of the world’s prominent masters of Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, including the great mystic Osho in India. Margot also has extensive training in Gestalt Therapy, Bioenergetics, massage, meditation, Arica, and Integral Yoga. Margot’s teaching style is a rare synthesis of French erotic humor, American pragmatism, and Indian mysticism. She is particularly appreciated for her ability to bring healing, lightness, fun, and passion to the workshop atmosphere.

Over the past two decades, Margot developed and taught “The Love and Ecstasy Training (LET)”, a powerful and proven method for healing and enhancing our love life, and cultivating meditation. Margot is the founder of eight SkyDancing Tantra Institutes worldwide. SkyDancing Tantra represents the synthesis of Margot’s work and teaching, and has been taught to tens of thousands of people in dozens of countries.

Margot Anand has personally trained and certified a select group of couples and individuals as SkyDancing Tantra teachers. She now rejoices in them spreading, sharing and expanding the ecstatic message of SkyDancing Tantra in many countries.



  1. “The beauty and wisdom of Tantra is that it enhances sexuality as a doorway to the “ecstatic mind of great bliss”. Truly, at the peak of orgasm, we pierce through the illusion of fragmentation and separation, and glimpse the unity and interconnectedness of all beings. And through the other–our partner–we fall in love with life.”
  2. “Surrender is an essential aspect of the learning process in Tantra.”
  3. “Tantra enables one to overcome feelings of separation and create a sense of union.”
  4. “The word surrender has significant roots, in which ‘render’ has the meaning to melt and ‘sur’ means super or highest. In other words, the true meaning of surrender is to melt into that which is higher than yourself.”
  5. “Tantra relaxes the body, opens the heart and brings the mind into clear focus.”
  6. “SkyDancing is the ancient metaphor for the ability to achieve ecstatic states.”
  7. “True surrender is a conscious choice made from free will. It means opening your heart and trusting the person you are with.”
  8. “When practiced with a partner, Tantra contributes to healthy, loving relationships.”
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