Like the haves and the have nots, when it comes to post 50s, it’s those who are aging and those who are aging gracefully.
You know, the lucky ones who seem to be getting better and better with each passing year like a fine wine while some are just learning by trial and error.
Well, take heart you students of the School of Hard Knocks. The graceful agers aren’t aging better, they’re just aging smarter — and the secret isn’t necessarily in what they’re doing. It’s in what they aren’t doing. And as life expectancy continues to increase across the globe, there’s no time like now to look and feel better.
Lucky for you we’ve rounded up some of the things the graceful agers are avoiding. Scroll through the list below and feel free to share your graceful aging tips with us in comments!
Wearing Too Much Makeup
As you age, you might be tempted to overdo the makeup to emulate a more youthful appearance. But there’s nothing attractive about cakey foundation or spidery lashes. Makeup should only enhance your natural beauty not mask it. Mireille Guiliano, the author of “French Women Don’t Get Facelifts” stresses the importance of keeping your makeup clean and natural. “Stop trying to dress like your daughter or younger self… go lighter on the makeup. Too much makeup as we age generally makes us look worse, not better. Think thrice about drawing attention to your sags and wrinkles,” Guiliano wrote for Parade Magazine.
To some extent there’s no avoiding the lines and wrinkles that accompany aging. But if you’re getting too many rays without protection, you may be severely damaging your skin. Studies have shown applying sunscreen can protect your skin from wrinkles, sun spots, and loss of firmness or elasticity. And as we know, there’s no cure like prevention, so you’re better off trying to prevent aging with a little SPF than trying to reverse it with anti-aging potions.

Diane Keaton
The actress told Huff/Post50 that with age has come more clarity and focus — attributes she said she didn’t necessarily have in her 20s and 30s.
“I think it gets more difficult as you get older because you’re facing the end and endings are … unbearable. Our lives are basically about facing that tragedy. And I think the sooner we face that we’re going to die, the easier it is to appreciate the moments in life… When we realize that our lives will end, we take less for granted. That is what I’ve learned from loss. The whole thing is a fantastic mystery so all we can do is appreciate each moment.”
In addition to maintaining a healthy love life with his wife Trudie Styler, the musician throws himself into yoga and embraces a positive outlook on life.
“When you reach a certain age, you realize that life is finite. You can be depressed by that.
“When you reach a certain age, you realize that life is finite. You can be depressed by that, or you can say, ‘I’m going to appreciate every minute to its maximum potential.'”
Sheryl Crow
The cancer survivor told that she is enjoying the aging process:
“I definitely am embracing aging. When you shoot your face with Botox and stuff, you rob yourself of your ability to have youthful expressions, and that’s why sometimes people look a lot older.”
Denzel Washington
The actor has been refreshingly candid about both his accomplishments and his struggles as he ages. When Reader’s Digest asked him what one thing he’d change about himself, he answered:
“My weight! Mind, body and spirit. It’s a discipline, and the body has been lagging. Mind’s really good right now. Spirit is strong, but body’s been lagging. And the body helps the mind. I feel better today having worked out.”
Michelle Pfeiffer
Pfeiffer is measured, but honest about how growing older makes her feel.
“Honestly, there’s certainly a mourning that takes place,” told the Los Angeles Times in 2009. “I mourn the young girl, but I think that what replaces that is a kind of a liberation, sort of letting go of having to hold on to that. Everyone knows you’re 50. So you don’t have to worry about not trying to look 50.”
Pierce Brosnan
After being dropped as James Bond because, according to some reports, he was “too old” for the role, the actor had a positive take on things — embracing the unknown with gusto.
“Oh, it turned out very lucky,” he told Parade.”Within the space of the punch and the pain of being passed over or rejected or the bottom of your world falling out, within that same breath came this liberation of, ‘I’m free. I can do anything I want.’ It’s up to me to have the guts to make the next stage of my career as interesting and as exciting and unexpected as possible.”