Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Dr. Jeffery Martin-awaken

Home Base

Puerto Rico

Foundation of Teaching

Director, Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness

Example of Teaching

Transformative Technology research to make systems available to help people obtain profound psychological benefits in a rapid, secular, reliable, and safe way.

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Dr. Jeffery Martin

Wellbeing Research – For over 15 years Jeffery has conducted the largest international study on persistent non-symbolic experience (PNSE), which includes the types of consciousness commonly known as: enlightenment, nonduality, the peace that passeth understanding, unitive experience, and hundreds of other terms. This resulted in the first reliable, cross-cultural and pan-tradition classification system for these types experience. It also led to the fundamental discovery that these were psychological states that had been identified and adopted for thousands of years by many cultures and belief systems. They were not inherently spiritual or religious, or limited to any given culture or population, and could be molded in many ways to shape the experience. More recently, he has used this research to make systems available to help people obtain profound psychological benefits in a rapid, secular, reliable, and safe way.

TransTech – In 2007, Jeffery conceived of and created the Transformative Technology space. Since that time he has worked to catalyze the space by bringing together makers, scientists and other researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs, companies, educational institutions, non-profits and NGO’s, public policy experts, and investors. He is a co-founder of the first academic lab dedicated to TransTech, its first conference, taught the first university-level course and established the first graduate program in TransTech, and many other firsts. He serves as a formal and informal advisor to a wide range of companies and other organizations in the space, is an active early-stage investor, and is a frequent public speaker on TransTech related topics.

Business – Jeffery is a successful serial and parallel entrepreneur with a 25+ year background at various intersections of wellbeing, media, advertising, and technology. Fun facts about him include that he has worked on broadcast crews for most major sports championships, run a division at the heart of the world’s largest advertising conglomerate that led the industry’s earliest conversion to digital, was one of the first successful online marketers, pioneered digital asset management for most of the Fortune 100, spent time as a notorious hacker, and much more.

Author, Speaker, Educator – Jeffery is a bestselling author and award-winning educator who has authored, co-authored, or co-edited over 20 books and numerous other publications. His work has regularly been featured at leading academic conferences worldwide, as well as major public forums such as Deepak Chopra’s Sages and Scientists Symposium, Wisdom 2.0, H+, the Science and Nonduality Conference, the Asia Consciousness Festival, and TEDx. He has been covered in media as diverse as the South China Morning Post and PBS’s Closer to Truth, and been an invited speaker at many top universities including: Harvard, Yale, University of London, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the National University of Singapore. He is currently affiliated with California Institute for Human Science and Stanford University.



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