Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Ed and Deb Shapiro-awaken

Home Base
Boulder, Colorado

Mindfulness, Meditation, Personal Development and the Bodymind

“Random acts of kindness are essential to our wellbeing, as they liberate us from self-obsession, selfishness, and isolation; they are the result of an open and loving nature.”

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Ed and Deb Shapiro

Ed and Deb Shapiro are the authors of many books on relaxation, meditation, the bodymind relationship, and personal development, published in over 20 languages. They are columnists for,,, and others.

Ed and Deb trained with both Yoga and Buddhist masters; Ed trained in India, where Yoga Nidra was his specialty. They have been teaching together for over 30 years, leading mindful relaxation and meditation retreats worldwide. They are personal coaches who work with senior management.

Ed Shapiro’s latest book is The Art of Mindful Relaxation, the Heart of Yoga Nidra, endorsed by Congressman Tim Ryan, Headspace founder Andy Puddicombe and yoga expert Seane Corn and others.

Ed was a New York City dance champion, now a yogi, skier, and skydiver. Deb is a respected Bodymind expert and the author of Your Body Speaks Your Mind. She is from the English countryside, the granddaughter of Sir Winston Churchill’s editor.

