I love experiencing every age. I rejoice in each passing year. – Louise Hay…
Aging, defined as the process of growing old or maturing, has taken on a more positive connotation over the last decade. New scientific studies are proving that getting older doesn’t necessarily mean accepting the deterioration of our minds and bodies. Although we all change with age, we can choose to live just as fully as we did in younger years. In fact, we are living longer, participating longer and still contributing well past our sixties, as we continue to learn, discover and experience new adventures that keep us feeling involved and active. There are so many ways to lovingly care for our bodies, minds and spirits throughout this process and to stay engaged with life and no one knows this better than our Hay House Founder, Louise Hay.
Louise Hay is a wonderful example of embracing each year of life as a gift and discovering new ways to contribute, to serve and to enjoy every day!
For generations, we have allowed the numbers that correspond to how many years we have been on the planet to tell us how to feel and how to behave. As with any other aspect of life, what we mentally accept and believe becomes true for us. Well, it is time to change our beliefs about aging. When I look around and see frail, sick, frightened older people, I say to myself: It doesn’t have to be that way. Many of us have learned that by changing our thinking, we can change our lives. So I know we can make aging a positive, vibrant, healthy experience.
My own life really didn’t begin to have meaning until I was in my mid-40s. At the age of 50, I began my publishing company on a very small scale. The first year I made a profit of $42. At 55, I ventured into the world of computers. They scared me, but I took classes and overcame the fear. Today I have three computers and travel with my iPad everywhere! At 60, I had my first garden. At this same time, I enrolled in a children’s art class and began to paint. At 70 and 80, I was more creative and my life continues to get richer and fuller.
I choose to see my life moving in different directions, all of them equally good. Some things are even better now than the way they were in my youth. My younger years were filled with fear; my todays are filled with confidence.
I want to help you create a conscious idea of your later years, to help you realize that these can be the most rewarding years of your life. Know that your future is always bright, no matter what your age. See your later years becoming your treasure years.
Instead of just getting old and giving up and dying, let’s learn to make a huge contribution to life. We have the time, we have the knowledge, and we have the wisdom to move out into the world with love and power.
Step forward, use your voice, get out in the world, and LIVE!
How To Enjoy And Embrace Getting Older
We are changing, but there are a lot of steps we can consciously take to enjoy our later years. Interestingly enough, these same steps can be applied to any age to foster a feeling of fulfillment and sense of well-being.
Pay Close Attention To Your Thoughts And Keep Them Positive. According to Deepak Chopra, M.D., our thoughts can help us stay healthy and vibrant:
We are the only creatures on the planet who can change biology through our thoughts and feelings. Our cells are constantly eavesdropping on our thoughts and being changed by them. If we experience a happy thought or a feeling of love, our body is directly influenced as messenger molecules course through the bloodstream, delivering the positive energizing effect to trillions of cells.
Learn techniques to manage stress. Whether stress is triggered by an event like a divorce or a stock market crash, acknowledge your feelings, make the necessary changes, practice forgiveness and take loving care of yourself through it all.
Consider daily meditation. The benefits of meditation are endless, but the greatest benefit is an awareness of our deeper essence and purpose. Regular meditation can also bolster our health, mood and overall sense of well-being. And did we mention clarity? You’ll be clearer about what you want and you’ll have the energy to pursue what you want.
Eat healthy foods that support optimal functioning of your body.
Get some exercise regularly, even if it’s a brief walk around the block.
Share what you’ve learned with others.
Keep learning. Try something new, like a painting class or a computer course. Keep those neurons firing to stay sharp.
Daily Affirmation. Louise has an excellent daily affirmation about living fully, no matter how young you are. Try this powerful affirmation for the next 30 days and you’ll feel stronger, healthier and happier. Make sure you associate good feelings as you say this affirmation aloud:
I am young and beautiful …at every age.
I honor and respect all the elders in my life.
I think new and different thoughts each day.
My life is a glorious adventure.
I have no limitations.
I take time to play with my inner child.
I meditate, take quiet walks, enjoy nature; I enjoy spending time alone.
Laughter is a big part of my life; I hold nothing back.
I live every day to the fullest.
I have all the time in the world.
And lastly, first thing in the morning, begin with a thank you for another day on the playground of life! You are here for a reason, you have a purpose and you are loved.