The Best Summary of How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

A brief, no fluff, summary of Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.
The “karmic connection” between The Beatles’ George Harrison and Ravi Shankar

by Ajoy Bose: There is no easy explanation for such vastly dissimilar people as George (Harrison) and Ravi Shankar instantly connecting with each other,
The Dalai Lama Talks About Compassion, Respect

The Dali Lama: Two talks at Stanford emphasize the need for dialogue in resolving conflict, and the need for compassion that extends beyond creeds and beliefs.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 570

Catskill Mountains, New York
Awaken Interviews Dr. Steve Taylor Pt 2 – The Collective Awakening Is Occurring

Donna Quesada: Oh, this person is awakened or this person is a spiritual teacher…everything is perfect for this person…they’ve got it all figured out. But not necessarily.
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Denali National Park, Alaska
Awaken Interviews Dr. Steve Taylor Pt 1 – Wakefulness and Experiences of Mysticism

Donna Quesada: You’ve written so extensively about the subject of awakening…what led you to this aspect of your work?
Ascertaining the Curative Power of Drugs

by Samuel Hahnemann (1796) As sources for ascertaining the medicinal virtues of drugs were so soon exhausted, the systematizer of the materia medica bethought himself of others, which he deemed of a more certain character.
Leonard Cohen On Depression and Relationships

Leonard Cohen is interviewed about his decision to join a zen monastery, but the interview steers towards his depression, relationships.
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Goblin Rise, Goblin State Park, Utah
Awaken Interviews Gary Zukav Pt 1 – To Change the World, You Need to Change Yourself

Donna Quesada: Hello, Gary. Gary Zukav: Hello.
6 Breathing Exercises to Relax in 10 Minutes or Less

Over-worked, under-slept, and feeling pressure like whoa? There are plenty of ways to find calm—without investing in a 90-minute massage.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 567

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 566

The Grand Tetons, Wyoming
The First Official TED Talk About Psychedelics

Watch Doblin educate the audience in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, about topics including MAPS-sponsored clinical trials of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy…
How to Start a Great Conversation with Anyone – Jonathan Robinson

by Jonathan Robinson: Have you ever been on a plane and wanted to start a conversation with the person next to you, but you didn’t know what to say?
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Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
What Birth Order Can Predict About You – Alfred Adler

By Sue Varma, MD: According to psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, our birth order predicted our personality to a great extent.
Joseph Campbell: On Becoming an Adult

Joseph Campbell speaks about the rituals of becoming an adult, throughout indigenous people in the world, which includes fear and fighting of the symbolic gods.
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Tools of Kundalini Yoga: Breath Suspension for the Neutral Mind

Donna Quesada shares a simple breath meditation to strengthen the neutral mind,
Alan Finger: Tantra Cosmology

by Alan Finger: iHanuman humbly presents this week’s featured offering.
Awaken Interviews Sharon Salzberg Pt 3 – Balance As A Guiding Light

Donna Quesada: Lovely. Well, I watched your Ted Talk, and I loved it, of course. And there was a story you told about a woman
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Wind River Canyon in Wyoming