Shakti Gawain Is Still ‘Living in the Light’

Shakti Gawain on Living a Conscious Life

By BJ Gallagher: Years ago I read Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain and loved it. I gave the book to my mom who called me when she finished reading it and said, “That’s the way you live YOUR life!”

Ram Dass Meditation


By Ram Dass:  Meditation is basic spiritual practice for quieting the mind and getting in touch with our deeper Self, the spirit.

The True Genius of Virginia Satir


by Steve Andreas:  About eight years ago, Virginia gave a workshop in San Francisco with Richard Bandler and John Grinder, two men who had closely studied her work and made it a central element in a model called Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

The Satir Change Model

Virginia Satir-awaken

Improvement is always possible.  This conviction is the heart of the transformation system developed by family therapist Virginia Satir. 

Byron Katie on Racism & Prejudice


With the help of Byron Katie, a woman learns about the origins of hatred and prejudice, and continues at the School for The Work with Byron Katie.