Shakti Gawain Is Still ‘Living in the Light’

By BJ Gallagher: Years ago I read Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain and loved it. I gave the book to my mom who called me when she finished reading it and said, “That’s the way you live YOUR life!”
3 Rules for Mindful Sex

by Julie Peters; We have sex for a lot of reasons.
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Bridal Veil Falls, Colorado
Awaken Interviews Sharon Salzberg Pt 2 – Doing From A Place Of Perspective And Understanding

Donna Quesada: Now, I want to go a little deeper. I find this so fascinating that it starts with us… this kind of self-blessing.
Ram Dass Meditation

By Ram Dass: Meditation is basic spiritual practice for quieting the mind and getting in touch with our deeper Self, the spirit.
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Beautiful Art
Albert Einstein and the Scientific Proof of ‘God’

by Richard Greene: As we leave the season when many have celebrated the birth of “The son of God”,
Dave Chappelle on Jon Stewart | 2022 Mark Twain Prize

The Mark Twain Prize for American Humor recognizes individuals who have had an impact on American society
Awaken Interviews Sharon Salzberg Pt 1 – The Light of Loving Kindness

Donna Quesada: Well, Sharon, I want to thank you for spending this hour with us… I know we’ll be benefiting from your years of experience…
2nd Interview withKen Wilber Pt 5 – The Importance of the Stages of Development

Donna Quesada: With all of that said, religion had a real problem with what Galileo was doing.
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The Broyac G Yaleleho hoodoos in the White Valley of New Mexico,
Awareness Explorers interviews Adyashanti Pt 2 – Awakening The Head, Heart and Gut

Jonathan Robinson: Mhmm. You know in a previous Awareness Explorers episode we talked about the three types of awakening.
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Evil’s Garden in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
The Transforming Power of Mindful Prayer

by Tara Brach: Although not always highlighted in the West, prayer and devotion are a living stream in Buddhism.
Awaken Interviews Arjuna Ardagh Pt 2 – A Brilliant Human Being

Donna Quesada: And it seems that all these practices have that in common…getting you to wake up to what was already there. There is no attainment.
The True Genius of Virginia Satir

by Steve Andreas: About eight years ago, Virginia gave a workshop in San Francisco with Richard Bandler and John Grinder, two men who had closely studied her work and made it a central element in a model called Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 558

Monument Valley in Arizona
The Realities of Reality 001 with Guru Singh

Guru Singh talks about the realities of Reality.
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Pewit’s Nest Waterwheel, Wisconsin @culturalcreatives
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 557

Columbia River Gorge
Sacred Sexuality and The Art of Tantra

Margo Anand talks with Catharina Ooijens about sacred sexuality and the art of tantra.
Awaken Interviews Joseph Campbell – What Joseph Campbell Learned from Alan Watts

Awaken: I want to start by thanking you for sharing your time with us today. I know our readers will appreciate your words and wisdom as much as I do.
The Satir Change Model

Improvement is always possible. This conviction is the heart of the transformation system developed by family therapist Virginia Satir.
Byron Katie on Racism & Prejudice

With the help of Byron Katie, a woman learns about the origins of hatred and prejudice, and continues at the School for The Work with Byron Katie.