The Satir Change Model

Virginia Satir-awaken

Improvement is always possible.  This conviction is the heart of the transformation system developed by family therapist Virginia Satir. 

Byron Katie on Racism & Prejudice


With the help of Byron Katie, a woman learns about the origins of hatred and prejudice, and continues at the School for The Work with Byron Katie.

Does ‘Consciousness’ Exist?

William James-awaken

William James (1904) ‘Thoughts’ and ‘things’ are names for two sorts of object, which common sense will always find contrasted and will always practically oppose to each other. 

Natural High


Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa:  Yoga Master and Former Flower Child Breathes in Healthy Living.

Soul to Soul with Caroline Myss

Soul to Soul with Caroline Myss

Spiritual teacher and author Caroline Myss speaks with Oprah and shares what she believes love is, who she most wants to forgive and what wisdom she’s gained with age.

Dan Millman: On Awakening


by Dan Millman: Centuries ago, a wanderer came upon another lone traveler walking serenely through a forest in India.