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Uncompahgre Plateau, Colorado
Process of Kundalini Awakening Part I

#1: Prana normally flows in either Ida or Pingala: Our kundalini energy system is usually more active in either the left or right sides, which are the Ida and Pingala.
Five of my favorite Japanese Death Haiku with Commentary – Donna Quesada

by Donna Quesada: Japanese Death Haiku #1
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 515

Indian Cave Handprints. Panorama Trail, Kodachrome Basin State Park, Cannonville, Utah, United States.
Awaken Interviews Rabbi Rami Shapiro Pt 3- 13.8 Billion Years Of Cosmic Creativity

Rabbi Rami Shapiro: All of this back story may be, you know, the Divine Mother saying, “ok, this is
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 514

Amicalola Falls State Park, Georgia
Awaken Interviews Rabbi Rami Shapiro Pt 2 – The Divine Mother Returns

David Welch: Buddha became enlightened. Jesus obtained Christ Consciousness. Is there some, you know…what might be called, “a more permanent state of being awake” that is obtainable? Or is it always a process that’s ongoing?
Understanding Dr. Hahnemann & Homeopathy

By Ellen Kramer: Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician who became disillusioned with the current practice of medicine at the time i.e. blood letting, and the use of highly poisonous substances like mercury,
Homeopathy and Why It Works

by Alex Gellman: Homeopathy is an incredible system that has the ability to heal and help all who call upon it. While deciding on my path there was a great debate whether to go the Naturopathic College or Homeopathic College.
Samuel Hahnemann: The Father of Homeopathy

Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1779. At that time, scientific advances were beginning to be seen in the fields of chemistry, physics, physiology and anatomy.
The Medical Observer

The introduction to Materia Medica Pura by Samuel Hahnemann.
Discovery of Modern Homeopathy and The Law of Similars

Homeopathy is based on a natural phenomenon of healing which is now commonly referred to as “like cures like.” Classical healers have known this basic principle of “like cures like” throughout history.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 513

Amicalola Falls State Park, Georgia
Marianne Williamson – A Return To Love

Marianne Williamson: Excerpts from her book A Return To Love. Music by John Boswell, A Glimpse of Time from his Trust album.
Awaken Interviews Rabbi Rami Shapiro Pt 1 – Everything Is God

David Welch: First of all, I’m a big fan of yours. If you’ve been on the Awaken site, I’ve tried to gather together the teachers…
A New Heaven And A New Earth – Dolores Cannon

by Dolores Cannon: There have been many prophecies and visions of our future and the evolution of consciousness of our world.
Awaken Interviews Thomas Merton – Nirvana Is Found in the Midst of the World Around Us

Awaken: Firstly, thank you for so graciously sharing your wisdom with our awakened readers today.
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Secret garden
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 511

John Mulaney – “What’s New Pussycat?” – Full Special

John Mulaney shares memories of his favorite lunch ever, what it was like to be a middle school benchwarmer and details of a recent encounter in a subway corridor.
Tools of Kunalini Yoga: Mantra for the Neutral Mind – Donna Quesada

by Donna Quesada: This simple mantra and guided meditation will guide you into the Neutral Mind, the reservoir of truth and clarity.
Staying in Love

By Janet Attwood: Most of us know that our ability to love others is dependent on our love for our self. In fact, the love we experience in our lives is just a reflection of the love we have for our self.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 510

Garden Of The Gods, Colorado, United States
Eckhart Tolle talks about What Happens When We Die

Eckhart Tolle, author of THE POWER OF NOW, offers insight into dealing with the death of a loved one.